Makarasana (Crocodile Pose): How to Do Makarasana & Benefits

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

Makarasana, also known as Crocodile Pose, is a relaxing pose that helps relieve tension in the lower back and promotes deep breathing. The legs are usually spread and the body resembles a crocodile, hence the name. This pose is often used in yoga practice as a relaxation and restorative pose.

Due to the posture of the seeker becoming like a crocodile, this asana has been named Makarasana. Lie down on your stomach and rest your hands on the bones. The elbows remain on the ground and the face remains between the palms. In this state, we leave our body loose. This is Makarasana which intensifies the fire in the body.

How to do Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

♦ Lie straight on your stomach.

♦ Lift the head and shoulders up and rest the chin on the palms while keeping the elbows on the ground.

♦ Keep the elbows together to keep the spine in a more arched position.

♦ If you feel extra tension on the neck, spread the elbows slightly.

♦ In Makarasana, the effect is felt on two points – the neck and the lower back.

♦ If the elbows are too far apart, there will be tension in the neck and if they are brought too close to the chest, there will be more tension in the lower back.

♦ Arrange the position of the elbows in such a way that these two points are balanced.

♦ Close your eyes and relax your entire body.


Be smooth and rhythmic.


Count your breaths while being careful about your lower back. People who have any back or spine related disease should bring their awareness from the lower end of the spine to the neck while breathing. Imagine that the breath is moving up and down in the spine like mercury rising and falling in a glass tube.

With this practice, the healing energy in this area soon becomes active. If there is pain in the lower back due to stress, focus your awareness on this area and feel that with each breath in, this area expands and relaxes. Spiritually, the center of perception is the Manipura Chakra.


This asana can be practiced for as long as possible.

Benefits of Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

♦ It expands the chest and lungs. Clears the throat, because during practice, when we raise the throat, the wind pipe and food pipe become in a straight line.

♦ This asana is very effective for people suffering from slip disc, sciatica, lower back pain or other spine related diseases. They should remain in this posture for a long time, because it keeps the vertebral column in its natural position and relieves the pressure on the spinal nerves.

♦ Asthma patients and people suffering from other lung related diseases should practice this simple asana regularly with awareness of breath, because in this asana more air is able to enter the lungs.

♦ This asana not only relieves fatigue but also provides good relief in stomach diseases.

♦ The breathing rate gradually slows down, which provides more benefits to high blood pressure patients.

♦ This asana increases subtle energy in the body.

♦ Makarasana benefits for female

♦ Makarasana, or Crocodile Pose, offers several benefits for women:

Provides relief from menstrual discomfort. This pose can help reduce menstrual cramps and discomfort by promoting relaxation in the lower abdomen. This asana activates the pelvic floor muscles, which can be beneficial for women in maintaining pelvic health.

Precautions for Makarasana

While Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) is generally considered safe, it is important to keep a few precautions in mind:

Back injuries: Individuals with serious back injuries or problems should perform this asana with caution. If you experience pain or discomfort, it is advisable to avoid the pose.

Neck problems: People with neck problems should be careful not to put pressure on their neck when resting their head on their hands. Use a blanket or prop for support if necessary.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid doing it.

Recent abdominal surgery: People who have recently had abdominal surgery should avoid Makarasana or practice it under the guidance of a health care professional.

High blood pressure: Individuals with high blood pressure should be careful while practicing Makarasana.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Makarasana good for hypertension?

Makarasana, or crocodile pose, is generally considered beneficial for relaxation and reducing stress. But incorporating yoga asanas like Makarasana into a good routine helps with overall mental and physical well-being, potentially aiding in managing stress levels, which can affect high blood pressure.

What is the short note on Makarasana?

Makarasana is a yoga pose that involves lying on the stomach with the arms folded and the forehead resting on the hands. The legs are extended, and the toes are turned outward. This pose is known for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and relieving lower back tension.

Who should not do Makarasana?

Pregnant women should avoid this pose: The pressure on the abdomen may not be safe and hence women who are deep into their pregnancy should avoid this pose.

Is Makarasana good for back pain?

Makarasana, also known as Crocodile Pose, can be beneficial for relieving back pain. It involves lying on your stomach with your arms folded and resting your forehead on your folded arms. This pose helps release tension in the lower back and promotes relaxation.

What disease does Makarasana cure?

Makarasana, for instance, can be helpful for relieving back pain and reducing stress.

How long is the Makarasana pose?

The duration of Makarasana, or Crocodile Pose, can vary based on personal comfort and practice goals. Generally, individuals may hold this pose for 1 to 5 minutes. It's crucial to listen to your body and avoid any discomfort.

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