Yoga for Peptic Ulcer: Symptoms and Causes


Peptic ulcer is the name of a protective wound that can occur anywhere in the lower end of the esophagus, the stomach wall or the upper part of the esophagus near the pyloric valve. It is the end result of repeated attacks of inflammation and hyperacidity in the stomach for a long time.

A person suffering from peptic ulcer often tells that he has a chronic complaint of indigestion or stomach discomfort, and he has constant pain in the stomach.

Most of the symptoms of peptic ulcer are similar to the symptoms of indigestion. Therefore, it is very difficult to differentiate peptic ulcer from less serious defects of the upper digestive tract on the basis of symptoms alone. Therefore, for complete diagnosis of this disease, the help of special testing equipment has to be taken.

In medical science, peptic ulcer has been divided into two types. This division has been done on the basis of the part of the ulcer – (1) Gastric ulcer, which is found in the wall of the stomach, and (2) Duodenal ulcer, which is in the initial part of the intestine connected to the stomach. There is some difference in its symptoms and the way it affects.

(1) Gastric ulcer

The main symptom of stomach ulcer is – intense pain or cutting pain in the middle of the chest, which occurs immediately after eating. Pain is also felt by pressing the upper part of the stomach. Sometimes, if there is internal bleeding from the wound, vomiting of blood may also occur.

Due to the pain caused by eating, the patient loses his appetite and starts losing weight. This condition occurs after repeated long-term gastritis. Heavy spicy food, alcohol and smoking etc. make it worse and the person feels relief from milk, simple food items and fasting.

(2) Ulcer of pharynx (Dudenal ulcer)

The very beginning part of the small intestine, where all the juices from the stomach, the solution of food containing chemicals, reaches through a valve (pyloric valve), is called pharynx. The ulcer in the wall of this part is called duodenal ulcer. The pain related to the ulcer here is felt deep in the middle of the stomach.

This pain is more in an empty stomach and reduces after taking food. This symptom is completely opposite to the pain of stomach ulcer. This is the reason why the person keeps eating something again and again, as a result his weight increases.

The sleep of the patient is often broken due to pain in the morning, because the stomach becomes empty during the night, so getting up and drinking milk gives relief. Milk not only calms the acid, but also has a cooling effect on the wall of the stomach and pharynx.

Peptic Ulcer – Symptoms and Causes


The symptoms of a peptic ulcer can vary, but common symptoms include:

♦ A burning sensation in the stomach, often between meals or during the night.

♦ Feeling bloated or full, even after eating a small amount.

♦ Nausea and vomiting.

♦ Heartburn or acid reflux.

♦ Unintentional weight loss.

♦ Loss of appetite.

♦ Blood in vomit or stools (which may appear black or sticky).


Peptic ulcers can occur for a number of reasons, including:

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection: This bacterium is a common cause of peptic ulcers because it weakens the protective mucous layer of the stomach and duodenum, leading to inflammation and the formation of an ulcer.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Long-term use of drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can irritate the stomach lining and increase the risk of developing peptic ulcers.

Excessive alcohol consumption: Alcohol can irritate the stomach lining, making it more susceptible to ulcer formation.

Smoking: Smoking increases stomach acid production and impairs the stomach’s ability to heal, putting smokers at a higher risk of developing peptic ulcers.

Stress: While stress alone does not directly cause peptic ulcers, it can aggravate existing ulcers and delay healing.

Genetic factors: Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to developing peptic ulcers.

Other medical conditions: Certain conditions such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and chronic gastritis may increase the risk of developing peptic ulcers.

Yogic Management of Peptic Ulcer

Yoga can certainly help ulcer patients. It can show them the path of a more balanced, enjoyable and natural lifestyle, the basis of which is a regular routine, nutritious simple food, practices of asanas, pranayama, relaxation etc., which free him from bad addictions, habits, worries and tensions.

Illness comes near only when there is a feeling of such a lifestyle in a person’s life. As soon as the life force starts increasing, the reviving and health-giving powers become active and drive away the diseases. And the patient feels health and vigor within himself.

Complete rest and change of environment is the primary requirement for successful yogic treatment of ulcer. In this way, the person suffering from it will be able to completely remove his mind from the tensions of work and relationships etc. Living in an ashram environment for at least one month will prove to be ideal in fulfilling this goal.


Easily performed asanas can be started after about two weeks of medical therapy, when the wound has healed and the pain has stopped. These should be done joyfully and not in a competitive manner, with more emphasis on maintaining coolness and alertness.

Practice Pawanmuktasana part 1 and part 2 daily for about 2 weeks. Thereafter, do Surya Namaskar as per your capacity for the next two weeks. Shashankasana and Shavasana can also be done.


Practice of Bhramari and Nadi Shodhan Pranayama will bring peace, do them daily without applying unnecessary force.


Neti and Laghu Shankhprakshalan can be done after some time, but Kunjal should never be done during this disease, because it can have adverse effect on the healing process. Kunjal should never be taught to a patient who complains of vomiting blood or bleeding through stool.


Practice Yoga Nidra daily to get rid of internal conflicts and tensions. It creates mental relaxation and provides peace.

Diet tips for Peptic Ulcer

Food- In the beginning, a diet of only fruits and milk is considered best, due to which the wound heals quickly. Otherwise, boiled vegetable soup, Khichdi, milk and plain fruits can also be taken. Avoid fried spicy heavy food, cigarettes and alcohol at any cost.

What foods are Peptic Ulcers cured by?

Some dietary choices may help manage symptoms and promote healing. These include:

Whole grains, fruits and vegetables can help promote digestion and reduce stomach acid.

Choose lean sources of protein, such as poultry, fish, tofu and legumes, as they are easy to digest.

Foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha, can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria and aid digestion.

Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as berries, oranges, spinach and kale, may help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Include healthy fat sources such as olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds in moderation.

Limit or avoid spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and caffeine, which can irritate the stomach lining and worsen symptoms.

Can you exercise with Peptic Ulcer?

It is important to consult a health care professional before starting any exercise with peptic ulcer to make sure it is safe and appropriate for your condition. In general, low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming may be better tolerated than high-impact activities.

Is vajrasana good for Peptic Ulcer?

Vajrasana is often recommended in yoga for a variety of health benefits, including aiding digestion. However, if you have an ulcer, it is important to consult a health care professional before starting any new exercise or yoga routine. While some people find Vajrasana useful for managing digestive problems, it may not be suitable for everyone with ulcers, as certain activities can potentially aggravate symptoms.

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