Shavasana (Corpse Pose) steps & Benefits

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

The body from which life has left, all consciousness has disappeared, such a lifeless body is called ‘dead body’ for about an hour, until there is little heat or flow left in the blood. Yogacharyas have created ‘Shavasana’ only after a subtle inspection of this condition of the body.

By the way, on the basis of very subtle information of Shavasana, there are two other Yogasans similar to it, which are called ‘Pretasan’ and ‘Mritasan’. Modern tests have shown that heart rate, breathing rate and electrical activity of the brain become minimal in Shavasana, and blood flow is excellent.

It is completely a relaxed state in which the rate of breathing decreases from 18 to 6-7 per minute. The oxygen expenditure rate decreases and the blood pressure also decreases. This asana is most suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure.

This asana is used to cure mental disorders. The best asana to relax the body is Shavasana. Corpse means dead or dead. The seeker lies down motionless like a dead man. Leaving the hands and feet loose, without any movement, it looks lifeless. Awareness and consciousness towards the organs remains in the seeker.

How to Do Shavasana (Corps Pose)

1.) To perform Shavasana, lay down on the back by spreading a mat or blanket, leaving a gap of one and a half feet between the legs and leaving them loose.

2.) Keep the hands slightly away from the body, leave the neck and head loose, after that relax the whole body.

3.) After that, relax the big toes, after that relax the toes, relax the soles, relax the heel joint, relax and calm the knees, the nerves of the thighs, the nerves and Relax the muscles, then relax your genitals, by focusing your attention on the navel, relax and calm its veins and nerves.

4.) relaxes the abdominal organs. While relaxing the chest and its various organs like lungs, heart, liver etc., focus on the shoulders, slowly relax the shoulders, relax the veins, nerves and muscles of the upper arm, relax the elbows. And calms down, relaxes and calms the lower arm, then leaves the palms of the hands, claws etc. loosely.

5.) Now focus all your attention on the neck, relax all the nerves, pulses, esophagus, trachea etc. of the neck and focus your attention on the face. Relaxes all the parts of the face like lips, nostrils, ears, eyelids etc., stabilizes the pupils.

6.) Now focus all your attention on the brain, remove all thoughts from the brain and focus all attention on the breath. Now feel that from the blue sky a divine light, wonderful light, supernatural light is coming closer, has come closer and is entering the body through the breath, the breath is going in, the light is going in , the breath is coming out, the darkness is coming out, every pore of the body is becoming illuminated, and the body is becoming very subtle.

7.) Looking at the same light, keeping all the attention focused on the breath, keep lying in this position,

8.) To end the shavasana, first shake the whole body slowly, raise the hands and rub the palms. Rub the palms and keep them on the eyes after heating them, then massage the whole face, open the eyes, after that take the support of both the hands from the left side and slowly get up and sit down.

Benefits of Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

♦ It is the best means of treatment for high blood pressure and heart patients.

♦ Provides new enthusiasm, new strength and new life to the body.

♦ is a surefire recipe for getting the maximum benefit in the least amount of time.

♦ All the tiredness of the body and mind gets removed easily from this asana.

♦ Relieves severe mental stress, excessive frustration, frustration etc. in modern life.

♦ It is great to get rid of lack of sleep and insomnia. Brings sleep

♦ It makes these organs healthy and capable by removing many impurities arising in muscles, fatigue, defects in bones and ligaments, blockage in blood vessels, poisoning of blood etc.

♦ With deep practice the mind becomes calm and carefree. Removes the tiredness of the face and brings happiness.

♦ not only removes the fatigue of the physical labor of the seeker, but also calms the anxiety of the mind.

♦ cools the body. Calms body and mind. Gives rest to the joints, muscles and organs of the seeker’s body.

♦ Use it to increase brain power. This asana gives wonderful peace to a stressed person.

Do you know? 

Yogasana, despite being the best exercise, is different from the traditions of exercise. If you are practicing some difficult asanas while doing yoga, then you must do ‘shavasana’ after every 15 minutes.

Tension exists as long as there are thoughts in the mind. As long as tension is present the body cannot go into complete relaxation, complete relaxation. Sleep cannot come until the whole body and mind are completely relaxed. Even if an attempt is made to concentrate the mind somewhere, this concentration itself makes the head heavy and tense. Still the thoughts do not stop. One thought goes on giving birth to many thoughts. Thoughts upon thoughts, and more thoughts! Uncontrolled rush of thoughts will make you lose your senses.

You will not be able to maintain your consciousness, your awareness, your senses. You are not the seer, you are not the doer, you will become a toy that some naughty child is troubling with his mischievous exploits. Even in Shavasana, there are many ways to concentrate and center yourself and go deeper.

Some people initially become aware of the body and some people meditate on the breath. Some count the breath, some practice brief yoga nidra in shavasana. There are many ways to center yourself. Any number of ways you can find are valid, but the final state or final culmination of Shavasana is ‘Yoga Nidra


The person who is suffering from high blood pressure, nervous weakness, diabetes and heart disease and especially stress related diseases, they should practice Shavasana regularly a few times a day. There should be no movement in the body in Shavasan. Once the body reaches the state of shavasan, then again the feeling of asana has to be maintained. If there is no sense of posture and there is only desire to lie down, then there will be lack of awareness. There will be no harmony between body and mind.

We will not be able to recognize the state of body and mind, so awareness and stability are important in Shavasan. There is a reason behind this that even a slight movement will compel some muscles to work. This will cause those muscles to contract, whereas in Shavasana you try to remove these same contractions just the opposite.

It requires a little mental effort, but this effort should be stress-free. If you fall asleep in between while practicing Shavasana, you will be deprived of its many benefits. After falling asleep, the mind again starts to be surrounded by worries, so this asana should be practiced with full awareness to get the maximum benefit.

Frequently Asked Question

What is Shavasana and its benefits?

The best asana to relax the body is Shavasana. Corpse means dead or dead. The seeker lies down motionless like a dead man. Leaving the hands and feet loose, without any movement, it looks lifeless. Awareness and consciousness towards the organs remains in the seeker. (1) Patients of insomnia can get full benefits by practicing it. (2) This asana gives wonderful peace to a stressed person. (3) Use it to increase brain power. (4) People with high blood pressure should do it regularly.

Why is called Shavasana?

Dead body means dead, that is, because of making your body like a dead body, this asana is called Shavasana. This asana is often used to end a yoga session. It is a relaxing asana and rejuvenates the body, mind and soul.

How long should Shavasana be?

Practice as long as you have time. In general, the more you can do, the better, although practicing Shavasana for a minute or two in between asanas is sufficient.

What is the power of Shavasana?

This practice relaxes the entire psycho-physical system. By making the body and mind calm and relaxed, this asana cures stress-related diseases. Removes body fatigue. If there is any kind of excitement in the body or if there is a feeling of fatigue after practicing other asanas, then Shavasana should be practiced.

What is the conclusion of Shavasana?

Shavasana can be done after any exercise and yoga because doing this asana helps in removing stress and fatigue caused by exercise and yoga.

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