Yoga for Arthritis: Symptoms and Causes


Inflammation, pain etc. in joints, especially synovial joints, is called arthritis. Most of the joints of hands and feet are examples of synovial joints. It is also called gout in common language.

Although there are many types of arthritis, arthritis is the most common disease among the diseases that make the body disabled. One in every ten people suffer from this disease.

Arthritis is a disease that causes disability and deformity and gradually damages the joints completely. In this disease, along with pain, redness, heat and swelling in the joints, it also becomes difficult to move them.

In this, usually the joints of the body parts that carry the weight of the body, such as hips, knees or ankles etc. are more affected. Similarly, small joints like knuckles of fingers etc. are also affected.

Arthritis- Symptoms and Causes


The symptoms of arthritis may vary depending on the type of arthritis, but common symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, swelling and reduced range of motion. Some types of arthritis may also cause fatigue, fever and weight loss.


There are many reasons such as mental and emotional stress of a person, wrong lifestyle and eating habits etc., which create an imbalance in the central control systems and the endocrine system and have a negative effect on the entire body.

Food- Overeating and excess of oil, ghee, meat, animal fat, fried food, canned and artificially made products, milk, sugar, salt etc. play a major role in the onset and promotion of the disease. Constipation also helps in increasing this disease.

Exercise- Due to not exercising regularly, the joints and nerves of the limbs become stiff and are not able to move completely. By always working on a chair instead of sitting properly and not exercising, the flexibility of the muscles and joints of the legs, buttocks, spine and shoulders is lost.

Mental stress- The tensions hidden in the subconscious mind, frustrated feelings, fear and over sensitivity destroy the spontaneity of the personality and bring rigidity in it. Mental rigidity, such as stubbornness, fear of losing everything or feeling of insecurity, ultimately give rise to allergies, endocrine imbalance, lack of immunity, muscle tension, arthritis and fibrosis, constipation etc. at the physical level.

An arthritis patient is unable to express his mental feelings, especially anger. This type of his latent internal pain makes him weak from within and imbalances his metabolism.

Yogic management of arthritis

The process of yogic treatment of arthritis is universally accepted, unanimously agreed and extremely effective. Yoga never recommends taking medicine just to remove the symptoms without correcting or ignoring the disturbances in bhajan, exercise and lifestyle that are at the root of the disease.

When yoga is learned and practiced in an ashram environment, its results are quite beneficial and helpful, whereas in the home or workplace, a negative environment or decisiveness or dependency is promoted.

An ideal program of yogic treatment must have the following components-


Among the asanas done for prevention and control of arthritis, the main asanas are as follows-

All the asanas of Vata or arthritis preventive Pawanmuktasana, which make all the joints of the body as active as possible and massage them well and relax them by removing stiffness and tension. Before practicing Pavanmuktasana, the patient should dip his hands and feet in cold water, then hot water with salt dissolved in it so that blood circulation increases in the affected areas.

As the flexibility of the joints increases, other asanas should be added to the practice. Such as Shashankasana, Marjari-asana, Shashank-Bhujangasana and Akarna Dhanurasana. Vajrasana should be done after meals if possible. Pillows can be used for support in the beginning.

Finally, Suryanamaskar should be practiced according to one’s strength. By doing 6 to 12 rounds of Suryanamaskar every morning, it is possible to remain free from the effects of arthritis on life and in the advanced stage of the disease, it is sufficient to prevent its deterioration from progressing and to remain pain-free.

Hadtha Yoga Kriyas-

Laghu or Purna Shankh Prakshalan, Kunjal and Neti Kriyas are very good. These are helpful in removing constipation and expelling the acid and other toxic substances collected in the blood, joints and other tissues. Arthritis can never be completely cured due to constipation.


Abdominal breathing, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama and Bhastrika Pranayama enhance digestion and remove any blockage in the nerves by increasing the flow of life force in them. These increase the life force of the body and help in keeping it healthy.


Mental and emotional stress is relieved by the practice of meditation. Positive thoughts develop in a person by the practice of meditation and relaxation.

Diet tips for arthritis

Diet– By taking the general diet mentioned below regularly, the toxic effects of the body will be eliminated and the cleansing process will be done at a fast pace. Along with this, essential nutrients will also be supplied.

Boiled light grains or cereals- like rice, millet, barley chapati etc.

Boiled and easily digestible pulses- like moong etc. These fulfill the requirement of protein.

Boiled or cooked green vegetables, but not onions.

Take all types of fruits (except bananas), nuts, dry fruits (in small quantity) and sugar in place of sugar. According to the season and place, all fruits and vegetables, which are easily available, should be taken.

Prohibited substances-

Milk or milk products, like ghee, butter, paneer, cheese etc. should not be taken by arthritis patients.

Packaged unnatural or refined food items, like refined flour etc. are harmful.

Meat, fish, egg etc. all non-vegetarian food items are completely forbidden. If absolutely necessary, sometimes small quantity can be taken. But remember, even in that form it will be harmful.

Sapota, banana, ripe papaya, parwal, pumpkin, tinda, tomato, garlic, onion, radish, ginger, carrot, sour fruits (acidic) are not to be taken in the diet at all. Urad daal, chana daal, masoor daal, rajma, sour food, brinjal, cabbage etc. all gas producing food items are forbidden.

Is Surya Namaskar good for arthritis?

Surya Namaskar is a series of yoga asanas performed in sequence. It can help improve flexibility, strength and overall well-being, its suitability for arthritis depends on the individual and the severity of their condition. It is important for people with arthritis to consult a health care professional or a qualified yoga instructor before starting any exercise program, including Surya Namaskar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does yoga help with arthritis?

Yes, yoga may be beneficial for arthritis by improving flexibility, reducing stiffness, and promoting relaxation, which can help reduce pain and improve joint function.

How Can I reduce arthritis fast?

Reducing arthritis symptoms quickly involves a combination of strategies: Medication, Hot and Cold Therapy, Exercise and Yoga, Weight Management, Balanced Diet, Joint Protection, Physical Therapy.

Which pranayama is good for arthritis?

pranayama techniques that may be beneficial for arthritis include: Deep Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing), Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath), Kapalabhati.

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