How to do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)? Benefits & Steps

What is Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

There are 12 positions in one repetition of Surya Namaskar. Each asana has its own mantra. Every action has its own benefit.

We will only say that if you want a new life then do Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar, done daily with regularity, is more beneficial than other exercises.

Generally: ‘Suryanamaskarasana’ is considered as a form of ‘salutation to the rising and setting sun’ and people chant the 12 names of the Sun in the form of a mantra along with the 12 asanas of Suryanamaskarasana. Are. This mantra is-

(1) Om Mitrai Namah (2) Om Ravaye Namah (3) Om Suryay Namah (4) Om Bhanve Namah (5) Om Khagaay Namah (6) Om Pushne Namah (7) Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah (8) Om Marichaye Namah (9) ) Om Adityaya Namah (10) Om Savitre Namah (11) Om Arkay Namah (12) Om Bhaskaray Namah Reciting these mantras is optional; not necessary.

Surya is worshiped as the bright god of longevity, healthy life, active personality and maintaining balance of body and mind. Mythological sages also believe that the biggest obstacle in the path of spirituality is the ‘sick body’.

A healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Balance of body, mind and spirit is essential for excellent accomplishment and in this process Suryanamaskarasana becomes a good base exercise.

Generally: In the asanas given under Surya Namaskar, the breathing process automatically happens somewhere fast, somewhere moderate and somewhere very slow. With this asana, blood circulation also speeds up a bit, which also helps in purification of stool through sweat and exhalation etc. Thus, it can be said that Surya-Namaskarasana acts as the first step to move forward in the path of yoga.

How to Do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

The seeker should do two or three repetitions while taking care of his body. The best time to do Surya Namaskar is Brahmamuhurta. Do this with a happy heart after taking bath after using toilet. Wear clean and loose clothes.

The environment should be calm. For this, morning time is better, because at this time the climate is pure and the ultraviolet rays of the sun also do not cause harm. Therefore, morning time is suitable.

If due to some reason you are not able to do Surya Namaskar in the morning, then it can be done on an empty stomach or in the evening.

(1) Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)


Stand straight towards the east with your toes together in prayer posture. Relax the entire body and be ready for further practice.


Om Mitray Namah


Normalizes blood circulation. Provides concentration and peace.

(2) Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)


Raise both hands up. Keep the distance of both the arms equal to the width of the shoulders. Tilt the head and upper torso back as far as possible. But keep the arms in line with the ears.


Om Ravye Namah


Removes excess abdominal fat. Improves digestive system. Lungs become strong. The muscles of the arms and shoulders are exercised.

(3) Paad Hastasana/Hasta Padasana (Standing forward bend)


Leaning forward, keep the toes of both hands touching the sides of the feet. Touch your forehead with your knees. Keep the legs straight.


Om Surya Namah


Reduces abdominal fat. Prevents and eliminates stomach and gastric disorders. Prevents constipation. Makes the spine flexible and normalizes the pressure on its nerves. Increases blood circulation.

(4) Ashva Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)


Now take the left leg as far back as you can and touch the left knee and back part of the foot with the ground.

Keeping the right foot firmly in place, bend the knee. The arms should remain straight at their places. Keep the toes of the hands and toes of the right foot in a straight line.

In this activity, the body weight will be placed on both the hands, sole of the left foot, knee and on the right foot. Now lift your head backwards. Keep the vision upward and the body arched.


Om Bhanve Namah


Flexibility is produced in the spine. Due to mild tension in the abdominal region, blood circulation in the digestive system increases, due to which the digestive system functions smoothly.

(5) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)


Keeping the body weight stable on both the hands, straighten the right leg and place the toe near the left toe.

Now raise the buttocks as much upwards as possible and bring the head between both the arms.

The heels should not rise above the ground and keep the legs and arms in a straight line while looking towards the knees.


Om Khagay Namah


Blood circulation increases due to the head being tilted forward. This not only brings freshness to the face but also improves eyesight and prevents hair fall.

Arms and legs are exercised. The spinal nerves are benefited. This increases flexibility and strengthens the spine.

(6) Ashtanga Namaskarasana (Salute with eight parts or points)


Bending the knees, bend the body towards the ground in such a way that both the backs of the feet, both the knees, the chest, the toes of both the hands and the chin touch the ground.

The buttocks and abdominal region should remain slightly elevated above the ground.


Om Pushne Namah


Gives strength to chest and lungs. Strengthens the muscles of legs and hands.

(7) Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)


Straighten your hands.
Lift the front part of the body – head, chest and waist and bend the head and neck backwards.


Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah


Increases blood circulation by causing tension in the digestive system.
Hence activates the digestion process.

Removes constipation. Smoothens the lungs. Makes the spine flexible. Beneficial for asthma, bronchitis, cervical spondylitis, slip disc patients.

(8) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)


This is a repeat of situation 5.  Raise the buttocks of the body and place the toes of the feet on the ground.

In the final position of the body, the waist and buttocks should be as high as possible.  The toes of the feet should be joined together.  Keep your gaze towards the navel.


Om Marichaye Namah


Provides new energy to the nerves and muscles of hands and legs.

Makes the spine flexible.  Blood circulation increases due to the head being tilted forward.

This not only brings freshness to the face but also improves eyesight and prevents hair fall.  Arms and legs are exercised.

The spinal nerves are benefited.  This increases flexibility and strengthens the spine.

(9) Ashwa-Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)


Place the left foot in front between the two palms. Simultaneously bend the left leg and leave the toe stationary.

The right leg is pulled backwards as far as possible.

Keep in mind that the back part of the foot and the knee should keep touching the ground. Keep arms straight.

In this position, the weight of the body will be on both the hands, the toes of the left foot, the back of the foot and the right knee.


Om Aditya Namah


Flexibility is produced in the spine. Due to mild tension in the abdominal region, blood circulation in the digestive system increases, due to which the digestive system functions smoothly.

(10) Paad Hastasana/Hasta Pad Asana (Standing forward bend)


Putting weight on both hands, place the toes of the right foot equal to the toes of the left foot.

Straighten your legs.

Touch your forehead with your knees.

Thus, in the final position, the toes of the feet and the toes of the hands will remain in a straight line.


Om Savitre Namah


Reduces abdominal fat. Prevents and eliminates stomach and gastric disorders. Prevents constipation. Makes the spine flexible and normalizes the pressure on its nerves. Increases blood circulation.

(11) Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)


Lift the bent body up and take both hands above the head.

Keep the distance of both the arms equal to the width of the shoulders.

Tilt the head and upper torso back as much as possible.


Om Arkay Namah


Removes excess abdominal fat. Improves digestive system. Lungs become strong. The muscles of the arms and shoulders are exercised.

(12) Pranamasana (Prayer pose)


Stand straight with your hands raised up and your toes together in prayer posture. Relax the entire body.


Om Bhaskarai Namah


Normalizes blood circulation and provides concentration and peace.


This is half the frequency of Surya Namaskar. To complete the complete repetition, we will step back with the other leg in asana number 4 and 9. Just as we had stepped back on the right foot earlier, in the same way now we will step back on the left leg. Thus, a group of total 24 asanas is called a frequency.

If you feel tired after doing half the repetitions (12 asanas), take a rest by doing some breathing exercises. Keep chanting the mantra happily. Be careful while doing each asana. If you are not able to do any asana properly, then practice it first.

Benefit of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

♦ It is the provider of life force.

♦ In this, energy is balanced at both physical and mental levels.

♦ By practicing Surya Namaskar, the entire body gets exercised.

♦ Due to the alternate bending of the spine forward and backward, it has great importance in awakening Kundalini along with physical benefits.  Since the path of Sushumna is the spinal cord, the energy is also directed upwards.

♦ Surya Namaskar gives mental peace.  Increases memory power.  Increases strength, semen and lustre.

♦ It is the enemy of constipation.  Doesn’t let old age come near.

♦ Women can make their body attractive, beautiful and shapely.

♦ Surya Namaskar destroys all diseases.

♦ Becomes as bright as the sun.

♦ Students must do Surya Namaskar and get its benefits.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Physical effects

(1) This asana is a toe-to-nail exercise from head to toes.  Therefore, it also affects digestion, respiration, blood circulation and vascular system.  It also operates all the joints and muscles.

(2) Not only is the physical benefit obvious, there is also mental benefit due to the influence of the nerves and spine.  The positive thinking of the seeker increases.  Hence spiritual development also takes place.

(3) By doing this asana facing the sun (by getting Vitamin ‘D’) the bones become stronger.

(4) This asana is also beneficial in various types of diseases like blood disorders, skin disorders, stomach disorders, constipation etc.

(5) The entire body gets exercised in one cycle.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Spiritual effect

This asana awakens a sense of self-confidence in the seeker, which increases his resistance to diseases, his resolve becomes stronger and due to self-satisfaction, his face also becomes radiant.  This asana is also beneficial in activating the six chakras.

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of yoga poses often performed in the morning. While primarily a physical exercise, many practitioners find spiritual benefits in the form of increased mindfulness, connection with breath, and a sense of gratitude towards the sun, symbolizing energy and vitality.

It can also promote mental clarity and a calming effect on the mind. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary.

Precautions of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

1.) Everyone above 8 years of age can do the asana.
Are .  Those suffering from spinal problems, high blood pressure, heart defects and hernia etc. should do this asana under the guidance of a guru.

2.) In the beginning, let the breathing proceed as it should.  Chant the mantra whether you want to or not.  It is optional;  not necessary .  Because you are doing ease, not worship.

3.) In the beginning, do each asana slowly, understanding the process properly.  When the posture starts forming properly then you can do it quickly.

4.) Complete one or two rounds initially.  Then gradually increase it by one cycle per week.

5.) After good practice, you can do 3 to 6 cycles.  Do not exceed 10 cycles.

6.) If you feel dizzy while bending backward, then number two.  Do not bend the neck backward in Hasta-Prasaranasana or Urdhva Tadasana.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I take bath immediately after Surya Namaskar?

Generally after practicing Surya Namaskar it is advisable to wait for a while before taking bath so that your body temperature and heart rate can return to normal. It is beneficial to take a few minutes to calm down and relax.

Can we drink water immediately after Surya Namaskar?

Do not eat or drink anything immediately before and after doing Surya Namaskar. Drink water only after relaxing for some time.

How long does it take for Surya Namaskar to work?

The benefits of Surya Namaskar may vary between individuals, but many people feel more energetic and experience improved flexibility after just a few weeks of regular practice. Consistency is important, so practicing it regularly leads to better results over time.

How many times a beginner can do Surya Namaskar?

Beginning with 5 rounds of Surya Namaskar and then gradually increasing to 10 or more as your stamina and flexibility improve is a common approach.

Can I lose 10 kg by doing Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar can contribute to burning calories and improving overall fitness, but it should be complemented by a comprehensive approach to lifestyle, including healthy eating habits.

Can I do Surya Namaskar at night?

We can practise sun salutation in the morning or evening. However, the favourable timing to do surya namaskar or any yogic exercise is usually in the early morning.

How many Surya Namaskar per day is good?

The number of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) per day can vary based on individual fitness levels and goals. Beginners often start with a lower number, like,12 and gradually increase.

Is 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar enough?

Twelve rounds of Surya Namaskar can be a good start for beginners, gradually increase to 24 rounds or more for a more intense practice. Consult with a fitness professional or yoga instructor to tailor the practice to your specific needs.

When should I avoid Surya Namaskar?

Any current injuries, especially to the back, wrists, or shoulders. During advanced stages of pregnancy, If you've had surgery, especially abdominal .If you have any medical problem, please consult your doctor.

Can I do Surya Namaskar during periods?

Yes, you can practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) during your periods, but it's essential to listen to your body and modify the practice based on your comfort. If you experience discomfort or pain, consider adapting the poses or choosing a more gentle yoga practice during this time.

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