Konasana- Benefits And How to Do It?


The main difference between Konasana and Trikonasana is that in Konasana, we hold the toe of the right foot with the left hand, that is, we perform the action in an angular position, and in Trikonasana, we hold the toe of the same foot with the other hand, that is, we hold the toe of the left foot with the left hand.  Will hold the thumb.

When you perform the action from the right side, you will hold the toe of the right foot.  If you do Konasana from the right side, you will hold the toe of the left foot with the right hand.

Apart from being easy to do, Konasana is equally beneficial.  If there is muscle pain and fatigue.  You feel lazy the whole day and also have pain in your legs.  To get rid of all these problems, you can do this yoga.

Therefore, if you want to strengthen the muscles or keep the lungs healthy, then doing Konasana will remove all the problems.

Konasana time

Practicing it daily gives good benefits.  This can be done any time in the morning or evening but should be done on an empty stomach.  This asana should be done 5 to 10 times.

What is the english name of Konasana?

The English name of Konasana is “Angle Pose.” Konasana is a yoga, it is made up of two words, angle + asana = Konasana, that is, by doing this yoga, the shape of our body becomes like an angle, hence it is called Konasana Yoga.  This yoga is done while standing.

Precoutions of Konasana

♦ Those who have spondylitis, waist or back pain should not do this asana.

♦ People suffering from neck pain should avoid excessive strain.

♦ Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana, because side stretch can put pressure on the stomach and the unborn baby.

How to do Konasana?

(1) To do Konasana, stand straight with your legs spread.

(2) Now keeping the right hand straight, hold the toe of the right foot while bending to the left with the left hand.

(3) Keep your right hand stretched upwards.

(4) Breathing will remain normal.

Benefits of Konasana

Konasana has many benefits:

Improves Strengthes: Konasana strengthens our abdominal, waist, thigh, and leg muscles, which improves our physical structure.

Flexibility of waist: Doing this asana increases the flexibility of waist and can reduce back pain.

Improves digestion: Konasana improves your digestion and improves your gut health.

Improves head, neck, and shoulders: This asana strengthens the head, neck, and shoulders and makes them flexible.

Reducing stress: By doing Konasana, mental stress can be reduced and mental peace is achieved.

Beneficial for obesity: Obesity is the accumulation of excess fat in the body, which can increase the risk of many diseases.  It is now clear that regular Konasana can have a positive effect on obesity by reducing body weight and excess body fat.

Note that the primary purpose of yoga is to improve physical and mental health, so it is best to seek guidance from a yoga guru before performing any yoga asana.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Konasana reduce back pain?

Yes, Konasana can help in improving back pain, but it is important to take advice to do it correctly.

How often should Konasana be done?

You can do Konasana 3-4 times a day, but it is important to continue the yoga practice consistently.

Does practicing Konasana reduce weight?

Yes, practicing Konasana can reduce weight, but combining it with right diet and exercise can increase its effect.

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