Yoga for Asthma: Symptoms and Causes


Asthma is a common and very troublesome disease, characterized by repeated contraction of the bronchial tubes of the lungs, which causes symptoms like difficulty in breathing, feeling of suffocation and coughing.

When air enters the narrowed respiratory tract with high velocity, a whistling sound is produced, which is called wheezing. The respiratory tracts become narrowed and blocked. The cause of this blockage is the secretion of excessive amount of thick mucus.

An asthma attack can last from a few minutes to a few hours or even days and leaves the patient in a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. The state of extremely severe disease symptoms, called persistent asthma or status asthmaticus, can prove fatal for the patient.

Most asthma patients suddenly develop cold and cough symptoms – nasal congestion or feeling of discomfort in the nose, sneezing attacks, etc. All these symptoms indicate that due to some emotional or external environmental effect, the nasal mucous membrane is swelling and the process of secretion has started.

As soon as the attack starts, one starts feeling shortness of breath and breathlessness, due to which the patient feels a lot of pain and discomfort. As the difficulty in breathing increases, this feeling also increases. Mucus starts accumulating in large quantity, becomes sticky and thick and cough also starts with this phlegm.

An important aspect of Yogic treatment is the rejuvenation of the nerves by releasing the powerless and blocked life energy. This goal is achieved gradually through the practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and Shatkriyas. These practices should be learned by staying in the ashram for a few days and complete and long-term medicine-free health is possible only by practicing firmly.

In this way, you will get relief from asthma in the shortest possible time. It is not possible for asthma patients who continue to have constipation to get long-term relief from the disease or to be completely free from the disease. In order to completely eradicate the disease from the root in such people, first of all, one should try to increase the gastric fire by removing constipation.

In this way, the tendency of the inherent slow energy, which makes a person prone to asthma, can be controlled. Constipation is not just a problem of the intestines, but is also a state of the mind. The dry, hard and frozen psycho-emotional energy also gets automatically released by the downflow of stool.

Asthma- Symptoms and Causes


Common symptoms of asthma include:

Breathlessness: Difficulty breathing, often accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Wheezing: A whistling or crackling sound when breathing, especially when exhaling.

Coughing: Often worse at night or early in the morning, and may be triggered by exercise or exposure to allergens.

Chest tightness: A sensation of pressure or discomfort in the chest, sometimes described as feeling like a band tightening around the chest.

Difficulty sleeping: Asthma symptoms may worsen at night, leading to disrupted sleep and fatigue during the day.

Increased mucus production: Some people with asthma may have increased phlegm or mucus production when coughing.

Symptoms triggered by certain factors: Asthma symptoms can be triggered or worsened by a variety of factors, including allergens (such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander), air pollution, exercise, cold air, respiratory infections, and certain medicines or chemicals.


The exact cause of asthma is not fully understood, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some common factors that contribute to the development of asthma include:

Genetics: Asthma tends to run in families, which suggests a genetic component to the condition. Individuals with a family history of asthma or other allergic conditions have a higher risk of developing asthma themselves.

Environmental factors: Exposure to certain environmental triggers may increase the risk of developing asthma or exacerbate existing asthma symptoms. These triggers include irritants such as pollen, dust mites, tobacco smoke, air pollution, strong odors, and chemical fumes.

Respiratory infections: Respiratory infections, especially viral infections such as the common cold, can trigger asthma symptoms or exacerbate existing asthma. Respiratory infections in childhood have been linked to an increased risk of developing asthma later in life.

Allergies: Allergic reactions to substances such as pollen, dust mites, mold, pet dander, and certain foods may trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals. Allergic asthma is a common subtype of asthma characterized by airway inflammation and hypersensitivity caused by allergens.

Occupational exposure: Exposure to certain substances or irritants in the workplace, such as chemicals, dust, gases, or fumes, may trigger occupational asthma in susceptible individuals.

Obesity: Obesity has been identified as a risk factor for asthma, although the exact mechanisms underlying this association are not fully understood. It is believed that obesity-related inflammation and changes in lung function may contribute to the development or worsening of asthma symptoms in some individuals.

Yogic Management of Asthma

Surya Namaskar-

Practice it slowly and with awareness of breathing. Increase the seven chakra practice at sunrise.


Those whose body joints are stiff should first practice the Pavanamuktasana series for a few weeks. After that, practice the following according to your ability – Hastottanasana, Dwi-Konasana, Marjari-asana, Shashankbhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Pranamasana, Kandharasana, Makarasana, Gomukhasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Singhasan, Baddhapadmasana, Lolasana, Tolangulasana, Parivrtta Janushirshasana.

These asanas build the chest, improve posture and strengthen the spine and muscles. By practising these, the blocked nervous energy will flow out and the entire body will become fit and rebalanced. All asanas should be practiced with complete awareness of the breath and the body.


This important activity strengthens the entire nervous system and re-establishes balance in the weak and unbalanced autonomic nervous system. This also increases voluntary control over the respiratory system. As a result, asthma attacks can be avoided.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama increases awareness and control over the process of breathing. Doing bhastrika with kumbhaka and jalandhara bandha increases the strength of the lungs and increases the respiratory capacity.

With the regular practice of pranayama, an asthma patient can control his breathing. He becomes increasingly aware of his thoughts, feelings and mental states and naturally, he also becomes more alert towards his thoughts, feelings and mental states.


This is the most important aspect of treatment. Salty warm water is very helpful in liquefying and expelling the thick mucus accumulated in the mucous membranes of the nose, respiratory tract, stomach and lower digestive tract.

Neti and Kunjal should be practised in the morning before any other sadhana. Asthma attacks can be stopped by practising Kunjal. Naiti Kriya removes obstructions in the nasal passage and makes breathing easier through the nose.

Shankaprakshalana plays a very important role in restoring the lost digestive power of the asthmatic patient and in removing constipation.


Yoga Nidra is an effective means of diffusing an asthma attack. It helps in creating a state of mental relaxation in which yogic introspection can be done.

Practice it daily and if there is no time for a full practice, then lie down in Shavasana and practice maintaining the consciousness of abdominal breathing only.

This practice will help the asthmatic patient to become more familiar with his frequent abnormal breathing and bring it back to normal.


This practice slows down and frees the breathing, which brings to the surface the impressions that give rise to the disease, hidden deep in the subconscious.

This is an essential part of the treatment, through which the person learns to recognize and accept the causes that he has been repressing for a long time.

Diet tips for Asthma

Eat simple, nutritious and non-irritating food. It should include plenty of fresh fruits, lightly boiled vegetables, especially green vegetables. Replace meat and eggs with cereals and pulses.

Avoid mucus producing foods like rice, sweets, milk products, refined flour, etc. Avoid heavy, oily and dry fruits etc. Heavy, oily and dry fruits etc. are heavy and put undue strain on an already weak digestive system.

All chemically processed, artificially flavoured and packaged foods should be avoided as well as foods that cause allergic reactions.

Have a relatively heavy or main meal in the afternoon and a small light meal in the evening. It is better to have only fruit juice for breakfast or only fruits for a few days.

Hot spices like chilli, black pepper, garlic and ginger are recommended, especially during winters when the amount of phlegm in the body increases.

How can I relive my asthma naturally?

Here are some natural ways that can help manage asthma symptoms:

♦ Determine and avoid triggers such as allergies, smoking, pollution, or exercise-induced factors.

♦ Obesity can worsen asthma symptoms, so focus on maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise.

♦ Drinking plenty of water can help keep airways moist and reduce the chance of an asthma attack.

♦ Practicing breathing exercises such as lip breathing or diaphragmatic breathing can help improve lung function and reduce asthma symptoms.

♦ Stress can aggravate asthma symptoms, so practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation or tai chi can help reduce stress and improve asthma control.

♦ Some people find that certain foods can trigger asthma symptoms. Keeping a food diary and avoiding foods that make symptoms worse may help.

Remember, although these natural methods can help manage asthma symptoms, they are not a substitute for medical treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your asthma management plan.

Which Asana is not used in asthma?

While many yoga asanas can be beneficial for asthma management, some poses that involve extreme backbends or intense exertion may not be suitable for individuals with asthma. Examples include “Ustrasana” (Camel Pose), “Kapotasana” (Pigeon Pose).

Important for Asthma

As soon as one feels that an attack is about to take place, the patient should stop eating. Instead of rushing to get the safety of medicines and inhalers, one should practice Kunjal Kriya. If it has been a while since the meal, one should practice Vyaghra Kriya.

Thereafter, one should practice Naiti Kriya and practice keeping the consciousness focused on abdominal breathing while lying down in Shavasana. This creates a connection between the mind and the breath. This practice helps to avoid the experience of breathlessness that occurs at the paranormal level during an asthma attack.

Physical fitness should be improved and excess fat and weight should be reduced, as obesity further aggravates breathing problems. Swimming is an excellent exercise for asthma patients. Controlled running and jogging are also helpful.

Never do these in a competitive manner, rather use them to develop natural breathing and mantra consciousness. Take a cold bath every morning, especially pour cold water on the neck and shoulders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of yoga is best for asthma?

For asthma, gentle and relaxing yoga styles such as hatha yoga or yin yoga are often recommended. These styles focus on slow, controlled movements, deep breathing, and relaxation, which can help improve lung function and reduce asthma symptoms.

Can Kapalbhati reduce asthma?

Kapalbhati, a form of yogic breathing exercise, may help improve lung function and overall respiratory health, potentially benefiting those with asthma. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have a medical condition like asthma.

What exercise reduce asthma?

Exercises that focus on improving cardiovascular fitness and strengthening the respiratory muscles can be beneficial for reducing asthma symptoms. Certain yoga poses and breathing exercises, such as Pranayama and asana, can help improve breathing control and lung capacity.

Are there lung exercises for asthma?

Yes, there are several lung exercises that can help improve lung function and manage asthma symptoms. Here are a few examples: Pursed-Lip Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Deep Breathing Exercises.

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