What is Sheetali pranayama?
Body temperature can be reduced by this pranayama. For this reason its name is Sheetali Pranayam. Like Chandrabhedi Pranayam, this Pranayam is also beneficial in cooling the body, calming the mind, reducing bile etc. But the process of practice is different.
Sheetali Pranayama is a yogic breathing technique that involves breathing through a rolled or extended tongue, creating a cooling sensation. The breath is then released slowly and completely through the nose.
This practice has a cooling effect on the body and is often used to reduce stress, anxiety and excess heat in the system. This is a calming pranayama that can be beneficial for overall well-being.
It has a cooling effect on the body and mind, making it especially useful during hot weather or when experiencing excessive internal heat. Sheetali Pranayam is known for its calming properties, it helps in reducing stress and anxiety.
Practicing this pranayama can aid in regulating body temperature, which can be beneficial for people dealing with conditions related to extreme heat or fever.
Steps of Sheetali Pranayama
(1) Sit in Siddhasana or Padmasana. Place both hands on the knees.
(2) Keep the spine, head and neck in a straight line.
(3) Take the tongue out of the mouth and fold it in such a way that it looks like a tube.
(4) Complement in this situation. Fill your lungs by inhaling slowly.
(5) Do Antah Kumbhaka, put the tongue back in and keep the mouth closed.
(6) Bend the head down and do Jalandhar Bandha.
(7) Do Kumbhaka without Moolabandha or with Moolabandha for 5 to 7 seconds. Remove bonds and do laxatives.
(8) Repeat this for 5 to 10 minutes until one cycle is completed. (Do laxative action through nostrils only)
Benefits of Sheetali Pranayama
♦ Practice of Sheetali Pranayama prevents indigestion, phlegm and bile diseases.
♦ It affects the brain centers associated with bio-stimulation and temperature regulation. Its practice is beneficial in reducing body heat and it also calms the mind.
♦ It calms mental and emotional excitements. And makes the flow of prana uninterrupted in the entire body.
♦ This relaxes the muscles and provides mental peace. It can be used as a sedative before sleeping at night.
♦ This helps in controlling hunger and thirst and creates a feeling of satisfaction. If you sweat profusely during the summer days, or feel excessive thirst, or feel a lot of heat and restlessness in the body, then it is possible to solve them with this pranayama.
♦ The person who perfects Sheetali Pranayama does not feel excessively thirsty, he gets control over his thirst.
♦ Remains cool even in the hottest environment. The internal temperature of his body does not increase.
♦ Due to excessive exertion, fatigue does not last long in the body, rather the state of internal relaxation persists for a longer period. It is helpful in reducing blood pressure and stomach acidity.
♦ Very beneficial for acidity patients.
♦ relieves stress. Reduces blood pressure.
♦ Body temperature decreases. It has good effect on endocrine glands and nervous system.
♦ Its practice reduces muscle tension.
It is also beneficial in problems like spleen and fever etc.
♦ This pranayama pleases the mind and removes pitta dosha.
Sheetali Pranayama Precautions
♦ Individuals with the following conditions should avoid or consult a health care professional before practicing Sheetali Pranayama:
♦ People with chronic respiratory problems like asthma or bronchitis should exercise caution, as cold breath can affect their respiratory system.
♦ Sheetali Pranayama has a cooling effect on the body and can potentially lower blood pressure. Individuals with low blood pressure should consult their healthcare provider before exercising.
♦ People with digestive disorders like ulcers or gastritis should be careful, as the cold nature of Sheetali Pranayama can affect the digestive system.
♦ People who are sensitive to cold or experiencing cold-related conditions should avoid this practice, as it may intensify the cooling effect.
♦ Individuals with tongue injuries, wounds or other oral health concerns may experience discomfort while practicing Sheetali Pranayama.
♦ Pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before doing Sheetali Pranayama, as some breathing methods may not be suitable during pregnancy.
♦ Women should avoid Sheetali Pranayama during menstruation, as it involves cold breathing, and some yoga traditions suggest avoiding cooling practices during this time.
♦ Those suffering from tonsils, cold, asthma or allergy to cold should not do this pranayama.
Difference between Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayama?
Sheetali and Sheetkari are two forms of pranayama, both of which aim to cool the body and calm the mind.
Sheetali Pranayam:
Technique: Breathe in by rolling the tongue or between the teeth, allowing the breath to cool as it passes through the tongue.
Benefits: Cools the body, reduces stress and can reduce digestive problems.
Sheetkari Pranayam:
Technique: Breathe in through clenched teeth, pressing the tongue to the upper palate.
Benefits: Similar to Sheetali, it cools the body, but it also helps regulate body temperature, improve digestion, and reduce stress.
While both pranayamas have a cooling effect, Sheetali involves inhalation through a rolled tongue, while Sheetakari involves inhalation through clenched teeth.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Physiology of Sheetali Pranayama?
Sheetali Pranayama involves inhaling through a rolled tongue or over the clenched teeth, allowing the breath to cool before exhaling through the nose. This practice is believed to reduce stress, calm the mind, and cool the body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
How many times should I do Sheetali Pranayama?
Start with 5-10 rounds of Sheetali Pranayama, gradually increasing as you become more comfortable. Listen to your body and avoid overexertion.
Who should avoid Sheetali Pranayama?
Individuals with respiratory conditions like asthma or low blood pressure should avoid Sheetali Pranayama. Consult a healthcare professional if uncertain.
Which organ does Sheetali Pranayama?
Sheetali Pranayama primarily influences the respiratory and nervous systems, promoting a cooling effect on the body.
Does Sheetali Pranayama work?
Sheetali Pranayama is believed to be effective in reducing stress, calming the mind, and cooling the body.
How long should you do the Sheetali breath for?
Practice Sheetali Pranayama for about 5-15 minutes initially, gradually increasing based on your comfort and experience.
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