Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose)- How to do it

Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

Rajakapotasana is a yoga asana that is beneficial for flexing and stretching different parts of the body.  In this posture, you curl up like a pigeon, which gives stretch to the muscles of the thighs, body and chest.

Benefits include improving flexibility and balance for the body, strengthening abdominal muscles, promoting heart health, and calming the mind.  Keep in mind that before doing yoga asanas properly, it is advisable to do it under the guidance of a yoga guru.

How to do it?

1.) Get on all fours on the yoga mat.  Keep in mind that your knees will be exactly in line with the hips, while both hands will be slightly ahead of the shoulder line.

2.) Now slowly move the right knee forward, bring the knee forward and bring it to the back of the right wrist.  While doing this, the right calf will remain under the thigh.  Bring the right foot in front of the left knee.  While the outer part of the right calf will remain in the posture of rest on the floor.

3.) Slowly move your left leg backward.  Keep the knee strong, and drop the front of the thigh toward the floor.  Try to touch the outer part of the right hip to the floor.  While bringing the right heel in front of the left hip.

4.) During this, you can keep your right knee on the right side, such that it remains outside in line with the hip.

5.) Your left leg will remain extended and turned out from the hip.  Make sure that it is not bent towards the left.  Turn the leg inward, such that your midline is pressed into the floor.

6.) Take a deep breath and while exhaling slowly bend the left leg from the knee.

7.) While exhaling, push the thighs backwards.  Take the head backwards and as much as possible, make pressure on the head to go backwards so that the head can touch the feet.

8.) Raise the hands upwards, bend the hands slowly from the elbows.  Holding the feet with your hands, bring them towards the head so that it can touch the head.

9.) Maintain the current position of your waist.  Press down.  After this, increase the pressure by giving a slight blow from the bottom side of the ribs.  To lift the chest, stretch the shoulders by pressing them up towards the ceiling.

10.) Stay in this posture for about 1 minute.  Bring your hands back to the floor and slowly lower your knees.  Slowly slide the left knee forward.  While exhaling, come into the posture of Adho Mukha Svanasana.

11.) Keep the speed of breath normal.  After this, become on all fours and take deep breaths.  While inhaling and exhaling, now move the left leg forward and the right leg backward.  Now repeat the whole process again.

Benefits of Rajkapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

♦ Makes the back and buttocks strong.

♦ Improves heart and promotes blood circulation.

♦ Helps to open the windpipe and calms the mind by allowing more oxygen to reach the body.

♦ Improves back muscles and helps in reducing pain.

♦ It is helpful in reducing the fat around the stomach.

♦ This asana helps in making the body flexible and helps in maintaining a fit body.

♦ Cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. can be resolved by this asana.

Risks of Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

It is important to take care of the following precautions while doing Rajakapotasana:

♦ Rajakapotasana should not be performed if there is pain or injury in the back and buttocks.

♦ Do not do this asana even if there is pain in the neck or shoulders.

♦ Gently stretch the body while doing the asana, so as not to cause injury or smooth swelling.

♦ It is advisable to warm up the body before doing asanas, this can avoid injury or strain.

♦ Pregnant women and in public medical places should consult a doctor before doing it.

♦ It is better to consult a yoga guru or health expert before starting yoga asanas, especially if you have any kind of health problem.

Remember, yoga asanas are beneficial only if done correctly and carefully.  Do asanas sparingly and if any problem arises, leave the asana immediately and consult a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rajakapotasana?

Rajakapotasana is a yoga asana that is beneficial for flexing and stretching different parts of the body. In this posture, you curl up like a pigeon, which gives stretch to the muscles of the thighs, body and chest. Benefits include improving flexibility and balance for the body, strengthening abdominal muscles, promoting heart health, and calming the mind.

What are the benefits of Rajakapotasana?

Performing Rajakapotasana improves flexibility and balance for the body, strengthens the abdominal muscles, promotes heart health, and calms the mind.

Is Rajakapotasana difficult in the beginning?

Yes, Rajakapotasana can be difficult in the beginning as it provides a challenge of gravity and body balance. Doing it slowly will make it easier to learn.

Who should not do Rajakapotasana?

Do not do Rajakapotasana during pregnancy, uterine problems, or injury to the back or thighs. In such cases it would be advisable to consult a doctor.

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