Shalbhasana (Locust Pose)- Benefits & Steps

Shalbhasana (Locust Pose)

Shalabhasana is a yoga asana, which is very beneficial for making the body strong and flexible.  In Sanskrit, ‘Shalabh’ means ‘grasshopper’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘pose’.  This asana is done by rising like a grasshopper, hence its name Shalabhasana.

Doing this asana strengthens the muscles of the back, waist, neck, and stomach, which improves the spine and reduces backache.  This asana also helps in reducing belly fat and makes the waist slim and shapely.

By doing Shalabhasana, the activity of the heart also increases and the internal organs of the stomach get strengthened.  Apart from this, this asana can also help in having a fixed mindset and reducing stress.

Shalabhasana requires careful breathing to be performed safely and should be practiced regularly for best results.

How to do Shalbhasana (Locust Pose)?

♦ Lie down on your stomach, keeping your legs together, soles facing upward.

♦ In the initial stage, hands can also be placed below the thighs.

♦ When we keep the hands below the thighs, we can take the help of the hands to lift the legs, but gradually when the practice becomes firm, then we remove the hands from below the thighs and keep them on the side.

♦ The palms remain downwards.

♦ Move the chin slightly towards the front and keep it on the ground and keep it on the ground during the entire exercise.

♦ Close the eyes and make the whole body relaxed.

♦ This is the starting position.

♦ Keeping the legs together, slowly raise them as high as possible.

♦ To raise the legs, apply pressure on the ground with the hands and contract the muscles of the back part of the waist.

♦ Remain in the final position as long as you can comfortably without any stress.

♦ Then slowly bring the feet to the ground.

♦ This happened a frequency.

♦ Returning to the initial position, turning the head one more time, rest until breathing and heart rate become normal.


Take deep breaths in the starting position.  Keep breathing while raising the legs and in the final position.  Exhale while bringing the legs down.  Beginners may find it easier to inhale while raising their legs.  Advanced practitioners do rechaka after returning to the starting position.


If practicing dynamically, do up to five repetitions and if practicing statically, do three repetitions.

What are the Precautions of Shalbhasana (Locust Pose)?

Shalabhasana requires a lot of physical effort.

Therefore, people who have a weak heart or high blood pressure should not do this practice.

People suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, intestinal diseases and other such diseases are also advised not to do this exercise.

• If you have had any abdominal surgery or are pregnant, do not do this exercise.

Benefits of Shalbhasana (Locust Pose)

1.) This asana gives strength to the legs, thighs and abdominal muscles.

2.) Prevents the intestines from becoming clogged and helps in the elimination of accumulated waste.

3.) Gives strength to the abdominal and back muscles.

4.) Eliminates the fat accumulated near the liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys etc., thereby curing looseness of the liver.

5.) If there is a hump somewhere, there is benefit in that also.

6.) It is beneficial in disorders like indigestion and back pain.

7.) Increases appetite.

8. TB can be cured by regular practice.  (tuberculosis) does not occur. 

9.) Due to activation of clone gland, diabetic patients get benefit.

10.) Keeps our body healthy. 

11.) Patients suffering from sciatica and slip disc must do this activity.

12.) A slip disc patient gets cured soon. 

13.) Bladder related diseases are cured.

Frequently Asked Question

Which muscles are used in shalbhasana? back muscles

1. glutes 2. muscles of the back of the lower leg (hamstrings) 3. lower back muscles 4. stomach muscles (abdominals)

How does shalbhasana help PCOS?

Shalabhasana increases the strength of the abdominal muscles, which helps in controlling body weight and may help in reducing the symptoms of PCOS. This asana can help improve fibroids, thereby helping to reduce hormonal imbalances that can be a cause of PCOS.

Is shalbhasana good for back pain?

Shalabhasana can be beneficial for back pain. This asana can help in strengthening the back muscles and can be helpful in reducing back pain. But please note that back pain is an individual situation, and be sure to first consult with your doctor who can provide the right advice for your situation.

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