Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose): How to Do it, Benefits & Precautions

What is Sidhhasasana?

in this article we will tell you what is Siddhasana, the benefits of doing Siddhasana, the correct way to do it, the method and the precautions.

After Padmasana comes Siddhasana. It is named Siddhasana because it attains supernatural achievements. This is the favorite asana of Siddha Yogis. Celibacy is the best among the Yamas, defecation is the best among the rules and Siddhasana is the best among the asanas.

It is a symbol of power and skill, hence this asana was named Siddhasana. This is a great and easy way to practice meditation. Often in special practices, it is used for special pressure between the anus and the genitals (muladhara chakra).

Siddhasana activates the energy centers within the body, aiding in spiritual growth.

In this asana, the point on which pressure is applied in the area of ​​the anus is the space between Vajroli and Ashwini Mudra, where the Muladhara Chakra is located. Muladhara Chakra is also awakened by correct practice of this asana. In Kundalini Yoga, this asana is practiced to make the Apana Vayu upward.

Maharishi Gherand says that by practicing this asana one attains mental control and a state of emptiness. The mind becomes thoughtless. When the life force increases and the mind becomes free from thoughts, then the path to liberation opens automatically. According to Maharishi Gherand, the last position of Siddhasana is – Jalandhar Bandha and Bhrumadhya Drishti.

When Jalandhar Bandha is practiced, we touch the chin to the chest, then Kumbhaka happens automatically. How long can a person hold his breath? For a very short time. Starts feeling uneasy. But if breathing is also controlled and Kumbhaka can be done for a long period, then this practice removes mental restlessness and increases the strength of the body. It keeps the entire nervous system in a calm and normal state.

What are the steps of Sidhhasasana?

Sit on the seat and leave your legs open.

 Now place the heel of the left foot between the anus and the genitals.

 Place the heel of the right foot over the genitals in such a way that there is no pressure on the genitals and testicles.

 The order of the legs can also be changed.

The soles of both the feet should be in the middle part of the thigh.

 Place both the hands on top of each other in the lap with the palm facing upwards.

 Or place both the hands on both the knees in Gyan Mudra.

 Keep your eyes open or closed.

 Allow breathing to proceed naturally.

Concentrate on the Aagya Chakra, between the eyebrows.

You can practice this asana for five minutes.

When the higher level of meditation comes, the mind loses its hold on the body.

Benefits of Sidhhasasana

Practicing Siddhasana daily provides many benefits to the body. The benefits of regularly practicing Siddhasana are as follows.

Siddhasana is an easy form of meditation in which spinal stability can be maintained, which is very essential for enlightenment. The one which remains below puts pressure on the Muladhara Chakra, due to which Moola Bandha is formed and the one which remains above the leg puts pressure on the pubic bone, it puts pressure on the Swadhisthana area, due to which Vajroli/Sahajoli Mudra is automatically applied.

As a result, sexual energy starts reaching the brain from the spinal cord. It controls the secretion of reproductive hormones, which is essential for spiritual progress.

This asana circulates blood towards the lower part of the spine and the stomach. It brings harmony to the pelvic region, pelvic region and stomach organs and balances the reproductive system and blood pressure. There are many benefits of practicing this asana. The first benefit is physical.

This is an excellent asana for people who suffer from nocturnal emission, because in this the nerves of our urinary system get pressed and the continuous pressure exerted on them later strengthens the internal glands of the body. It has been observed that leucorrhoea which occurs in women also comes under control with this practice. At the same time, physical stability is achieved through this practice.

(1) The practice of Siddhasana is considered very beneficial in reducing the stress and anxiety levels in the body. The practice of this asana is very useful for people suffering from mental problems like stress, anxiety and depression. In these problems, daily practice of Siddhasana is beneficial.

(2) Practicing Siddhasana puts pressure on the perineum, which also keeps your sexual desires balanced. Its regular practice is beneficial in problems related to prostate (urination and bladder).

(3) Practicing Siddhasana benefits knees, ankles and hips. Its practice is very beneficial for the muscles of the waist and hips. By practicing Siddhasana regularly, the muscles of your thighs become healthy and flexible.

(4) The practice of Siddhasana is considered very beneficial for keeping the spine healthy and strong. The practice of this asana is considered very beneficial for those who find difficulty in practicing Padmasana. Practicing Siddhasana regularly makes the spine strong and long.

(5) Whatever is read while sitting in Siddhasana is remembered well. This asana is especially beneficial for students. Gastric fire increases. The mind becomes stable which increases memory power.

(6) Digestion process is regular. Respiratory diseases, heart diseases, chronic fever, indigestion, diarrhea, spermatorrhea etc. are cured. Many diseases like dysentery, cramps, congestion, rheumatic disorders, tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes, enlargement of spleen etc. are cured. The diseases that are cured by the practice of Padmasana are also cured by the practice of Siddhasana.


This is a somewhat difficult asana, especially for men, because due to the pressure or weight it puts on the genitals, it can be difficult to perform this asana.

Sitting in Siddhasana for a long time may cause tingling or tingling sensation in the perineum area. This sensation may last for 10-15 minutes. This is due to lack of blood supply to this area and rebalancing of prana flow in the lower chakras.

Sidhhasasana and Padmasasa

The main difference between Siddhasana and Padmasana is in the position of the legs:


In Siddhasana, one heel is placed on the perineum, and the other foot is placed in front of the pubic bone with the sole facing upward.

This asana is considered a meditative posture that provides stability and balance.


In Padmasana, both the legs are bent and the feet are placed on the opposite thighs.

This asana is often referred to as Lotus Pose and is known to promote physical stability, concentration and spiritual awareness.

While both asanas are sitting postures and have meditative benefits, the position of their feet differentiates them, which affects energy flow.

Sidhhasasana Contraindications

Everyone can practice this asana. Only such people should not do this asana who have sciatica or problems in the lower part of the spine or have enlarged testicles, because many times when people do this asana without practice, then if the testicles are enlarged then it bursts. Due to which water gets into the bag and pain starts. In case of sciatica, acute back pain or acute knee pain, practice patiently respectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What muscles are used in Siddhasana?

In Siddhasana, mainly the muscles of the stomach, back, anus, thighs, and legs are activated. It helps in strengthening your waist, stomach, and leg muscles.

What is the effect of Siddhasana?

Practicing Siddhasana can have many benefits for physical and mental health. The main effects of this asana are meditation, peace, stability and strengthening of the abdominal muscles

What is the Sidhhasasana a short note?

Siddhasana is a yoga asana in which meditation and sadhana are done while sitting. In this asana the legs are interlocked and the leg muscles are activated. The practice of Siddhasana can improve mental stability, concentration in meditation, and physical strength.

What is Sidhhasasana also known as?

Siddhasana is also called Accomplished Pose. Siddhasana is a complete yoga posture and it is a beginner yoga asana.

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