Veerasana (Hero Pose) Benefits Steps and Precautions

Veerasana (Hero Pose)

Yoga is beneficial for solving all the problems at mental and physical level. By practicing yoga regularly, you can eliminate many diseases of the human body and can also increase mental stress and energy. For happiness and peace in life, along with a strong body, a strong mind is also required.

Experiencing the emotional body can make life easier and happier. Yoga has dozens of easy poses, divided by body position. In this article we will tell you what is Veerasana, the benefits of doing Veerasana, the right way to do it, method and precautions.

Placing one leg near the thigh of the other leg and taking the other leg backwards causes Virasana.

Virasana, also known as Hero Pose, is a seated pose that stretches the thighs, knees and ankles while improving posture. Variations of this pose exist, including one where the hands rest on the thighs or reach upward. Virasana is beneficial for strengthening the arches of the feet and is a starting pose for more advanced seated postures in yoga.

This is a very simple exercise. People who have difficulty sitting in a meditation posture can practice meditation in this posture. When you get tired sitting on one leg, change the leg. This is a useful asana to bring the body into a comfortable state and to practice concentration, study and focus the mind.

In this, the benefits of Vajrasana are obtained, but those who are not able to do Vajrasana, who have difficulty in doing Vajrasana, whose thigh muscles are stiff, or who have pain near the heels or knees, can do this asana. . This is also a very useful practice for neurological disorders.

It has also been observed that if the person is very excited and playful, then make him sit in this posture, place one of his hands near his head, close one of his nostrils and keep him sitting like this for five minutes. So after the flow starts in the other nostril, its restlessness or excitement ends.

Steps of Veerasana (Hero Pose)

♦ Sit in Vajrasana position.

♦ the right knee and place the right foot on the ground near the inner part of the left knee.

♦ The right elbow is placed on the right knee and the chin is placed on the right palm.

♦ Close your eyes and rest.

♦ The body should remain completely motionless.

♦ The spine and head remain straight.

♦ Then repeat this exercise by placing the left foot near the right knee.

Breathing –

Breathe slowly, deeply, imagining that the breath is moving in and out of the eyebrow center.


Practice for at least 2 minutes, then repeat the exercise keeping the left elbow above the left knee.

Benefits of Veerasana (Hero Pose)

Variations may include different hand placement, and can be adapted for individuals with knee or ankle sensitivity using props or modifications. Practicing Virasana regularly can help increase flexibility and strength in the lower body.

1.) This practice makes the nervous system very sensitive.

2.) It makes the mind balanced easily. Increases the power of concentration.

3.) Makes one more aware of unconscious areas and quickly provides physical and mental peace.

4.) The process of thinking becomes very clear and subtle.

5.) This asana is useful for those who think too much or whose thought process remains uncontrolled or disturbed.

6.) This is a very good asana for kidneys, liver, reproductive organs and stomach organs.


This asana can also be done while sitting on the heels, which stimulates the Muladhara Chakra.

Precautions of Veerasana (Hero Pose)

♦ If you have any kind of heart problem, do not do Virasana.

♦ If you have an injury in your knee or ankle then do not do this asana.

♦ People with spine or hip injuries should avoid Veerasana Yoga as it may worsen the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Veerasana the same as Vajrasana?

No, Vajrasana and Vajrasana are different yoga poses. Vajrasana is the Hero Pose, and Vajrasana is different yoga pose.

Is Veerasana also called Hero Pose?

Yes, that's correct! Veerasana is indeed also known as Hero Pose in yoga. It is a seated pose that involves kneeling with the knees together and sitting back on the heels, helping to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the thighs and ankles.

How long to sit in Veerasana?

The sitting time in Virasana may vary depending on the comfort and flexibility of the individual. Practitioners generally sit in the pose for a few minutes, this time gradually increasing. It's important to listen to your body and avoid discomfort.

Is Veerasana a resting pose?

It is more commonly used to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the thighs and ankles. Resting poses in yoga often include Savasana (Corpse Pose) or Child's Pose, which are typically done at the end of a practice for relaxation.

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