Benefits of Baddha Padmasana (Loked Lotus Pose)- Benefits & Steps

Baddha Padmasana (Loked Lotus Pose)

Baddha means tied.  In this posture the person binds himself.  By holding the toes of the opposite foot with the hands in Padmasana posture, the body of the seeker gets tied up.

Baddhapadmasana is an important asana of yoga which mainly comes when the feet are completely tied in Padmasana.  This asana is also known as Sukhasana, which can be easily seated.  Practicing Baddhapadmasana benefits physical and mental health.

Regular practice of Baddhapadmasana reduces stomach, waist and pressure, and also reduces mental stress.  This asana also promotes focus and intelligence and promotes the body’s natural clarity.  Practicing Baddhapadmasana can be an important step towards a balanced lifestyle and healthy life.

Steps of Baddha Padmasana (Locked Lotus Pose)

♦ To do Baddha Padmasana, first spread a carpet or mat in a quiet place.

♦ Now sit on this carpet in Padmasana i.e. Lotus pose.

♦ To sit in Padmasana, place your right foot on your left leg and your left foot on your right leg.

♦ Now take both your hands behind your back and hold the toe of the left foot with your right hand and the toe of the right foot with your left hand.

♦ When you are doing this, your spine should be absolutely straight.

♦ Along with this, you can also keep your eyes closed or open.  But it will be easier for you to concentrate with closed eyes.

♦ You may need a lot of practice to do this yoga asana.  Because, there is problem in holding the toes of both the feet.

♦ Now try to stay in this posture for as long as you can.

♦ During this period your breathing should be normal.

♦ Now slowly release your toes and come back to your starting position.

Benefits of Baddha Padmasana (Loked Lotus Pose)

♦ Chronic diseases of liver, spleen and intestines are also cured.

♦ Along with health, enthusiasm and life energy also increases in the seeker.

♦ If someone has a hump in his back, it also provides relief.

♦ The nerves of the feet, legs, buttocks and waist are purified.

♦ The seeker’s Manipuraka Chakra starts getting energized.

♦ This ease is unmatched in the practice of celibacy.

♦ This is more beneficial in easy arm, neck, shoulder, back pain, sciatica, calf pain etc.

♦ Improves the chest and provides strength.

♦ This asana strengthens the muscles of knees and legs.

♦ Stomach related disorders are cured.  Gastric fire is intense.

♦ Constipation goes away and appetite increases.

♦ Makes the heart, lungs and kidneys efficient and functional.

♦ Provides lift to the breasts of women.

Precautions of Badda Padmasana (Locked Lotus Pose)

♦ Exercise should be done by alternating legs.

♦ The body should remain straight.

♦ If you are not able to do the entire asana, first try one more and then the other one.  Practice making it easier later. 

♦ Do not force yourself in the practice of this asana.

♦ By continuing to try the process becomes perfect.

♦ Those with sciatica or severe spine pain should do so with caution.

♦ Pregnant women or women during menstruation should avoid doing this asana.


It is not necessary that you hold the thumb the first time itself, hence just try to touch the feet in the same position.  After a few days the thumbs will start getting grip.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Baddha Padmasana?

The benefits of Baddha Padmasana include physical, mental, and spiritual perspectives. It helps to bring peace to your mind, while also helping to reduce foot, knee, and back difficulties over time. It is also helpful in promoting focus, achieving mental stability, and improving self-control.

What is the meaning of Baddha Padmasana?

Baddha Padmasana is the name of a Yogasana which is usually a special form of Padmasana. In this asana, the legs are tied in a circular manner, so that the shape of the body looks like a padma (lotus). This asana is mainly done to promote meditation and intelligence.

What are the limitation of Baddha Padmasana?

This asana can be more difficult for those who have any kind of problem in back, leg, knee or any other part of the body.

In what position Baddha Padmasana is performed?

Baddha Padmasana is performed in a sitting position. In this posture, the legs are tied in a circular manner, so that the shape of the body looks like a padma (lotus).

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