What are the Benefits of Sheetkari Pranayama and How to Do it?

What is Sheetkari Pranayama?

Shitakari Pranayama, also known as “hissing breath” or “cooling breath”, is a yogic breathing exercise.

Shitakari Pranayam is a cooling breathing exercise in yoga. In this, a whispering sound is created by rotating the tongue or contracting the lips and inhaling. This pranayama has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps in reducing stress. This is especially beneficial during hot weather or when you need to cool off.

Practicing Sheetkari Pranayama can also help control anger and promote a sense of peace. While practicing this breathing technique, one should sit comfortably with the spine straight.

Shitakari Pranayama is especially useful in controlling body temperature. Breathing through a curled tongue or clenched teeth can cool the incoming breath, providing relief in hot weather or during excessive internal heat. Helps in reducing stress.

This can be especially valuable in today’s fast-paced and stressful lifestyles. Sheetkari Pranayam reduces blood pressure. Provides relief from acidity and even stomach ulcers. Digestive power increases and heart diseases do not occur.

How to do Sheetkari Pranayama?

♦ Sit comfortably. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit. You can sit on the floor or on a chair with your spine straight.

♦ You sit in whatever posture you find comfortable, such as Padmasana or Sukhasana.

♦ Keep the spine, neck and head straight.

♦ Keep the upper and lower teeth together.

♦ Bend the tongue backwards and touch the tip of the tongue to the palate (Khechari Mudra).

♦ Now inhale slowly from the space between the teeth.

♦ Make a ‘ssss’ sound while inhaling.

♦ Now keep the breath inside and close the Jalandar Bandh. (Bending the head forward and placing the front part of the jaw on the chest)

♦ After a few moments, release the Jalandar Bandh and exhale slowly from both the nostrils. (laxative)

♦ Continue this cycle for several rounds, gradually increasing the duration of inhalation, pause and exhalation.

♦ After completing the cycle, sit quietly with your eyes closed for a moment, enjoying the feeling of peace.

Shitakari Pranayama is known for its cooling and calming effects, making it beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. Like any pranayama practice, start with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. If you have any health concerns or conditions, it is advisable to consult a yoga instructor or health care professional before practicing pranayama.

Benefits of sheetkari pranayama

(1) Stress Relief: Helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.

(2) Cooling effect: Provides a cooling sensation to the body, especially beneficial in hot weather.

(3) Controls body temperature: Helps in maintaining balanced body temperature.

(4) Balances Pitta Dosha: According to Ayurveda, it helps balance Pitta Dosha associated with heat and digestion.

(5) Increases lung capacity: Improves respiratory function by expanding lung capacity.

(6) Calms the nervous system: Calms the nervous system, giving a feeling of peace.

(7) Improves concentration: Increases mental focus and concentration.

(8) Controls hunger and thirst: May help manage excessive hunger and thirst.

(9) Promotes better sleep: Contributes to better sleep quality and may reduce insomnia.

(10) Cleanses the respiratory system: Cleanses and purifies the respiratory system, promoting respiratory health.

Sheetkari Pranayama Contraindications

Some precautions to be kept in mind while performing Sheetkari Pranayam are given below:

1.) Medical conditions: If you have respiratory problems, such as asthma, or any other medical condition, consult a health care professional before doing Sheetakari Pranayama.

2.) Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid this pranayama. Because some exercises may not be suitable during pregnancy.

3.) Sensitivity to cold: If you are sensitive to cold or have teeth problems, be careful with Sheetakari Pranayama as breathing involves sucking air through the teeth, which may be uncomfortable.

4.) Start slowly: Start with short periods and gradually increase the practice. Overdoing it in the beginning may cause discomfort or tension.

5.) Awareness of body signals: Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel dizzy, light-headed or have any discomfort, stop the practice and consult a yoga instructor or health care professional.

6.) Environment: Practice in a clean and quiet environment. Avoid practicing Shitakari Pranayama in polluted or extremely cold environments.

7.) Posture: Maintain a comfortable sitting posture with the spine straight. Avoid putting pressure on your neck or back during the exercise.

8.) Hydration: Make sure you are well hydrated before practicing Sheetkari Pranayama. Proper hydration is essential for overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should avoid Sheetkari Pranayama?

Individuals with respiratory issues like asthma or respiratory infections should avoid Sheetkari Pranayama.

Why is Sheetkari Pranayama important?

Sheetkari Pranayama is important for its cooling effect on the body, promoting calmness, reducing stress, and enhancing respiratory functions.

What is the benefits of Sheetkari Pranayama?

Sheetkari Pranayama offers benefits such as stress reduction, cooling of the body, improved respiratory function, and promotion of overall well-being.

How many times should I do Sheetkari Pranayama?

Start with 5-10 rounds of Sheetkari Pranayama and gradually increase based on your comfort. Listen to your body and avoid overdoing it.

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