Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) & How to Do it

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

While doing this asana, the shape of the seeker becomes like a bow. That’s why it is called Dhanurasana. The bow is a weapon of ancient times. Even today, among the primitive castes living in the forests, the bow is their main protector.

Based on the properties and conditions of the bow, the scientific study done by the yogis, the conclusion that was drawn, is the result of ‘Dhanurasana’. This is a very popular asana which can be done while lying down.

The practice of Dhanurasana makes the spine flexible. Due to the flexibility of the spine, there is a feeling of freshness in the whole body, the spine, which remains taut and rigid, becomes loose.

Due to the hardening of the spinal cord, the disturbances that arise in the nervous system go away. It is helpful in the treatment of hump.

How to do Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

To practice this asana, first lie down in Makarasana, control the breath and mind and prepare yourself mentally and physically to do this asana.

(1) Lie face down on your stomach.

(2) Keep the arms side by side.

(3) Now fold the legs and bring the feet to the buttocks.

(4) Now hold your ankles with your hands.

(5) Raise the head and chest.

(6) Now give as much stretch or tension as possible in the upper body and legs.

(7) Bring the body-weight on the stomach, not on the pelvis.

(8) Make your body arched by straightening your arms.

(9) Let the breathing be normal.

(10) Keep this asana for 5 seconds. Can do up to five-six times.

Benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This asana is recommended in yoga therapy for the treatment of diabetes, incontinence, colitis and menstrual disorders, and also for the treatment of cervical spondylitis under special guidance.

It is helpful in curing many diseases of the chest. It helps in unobstructing the flow of nervous energy in the cervical and thoracic sympathetic nerves and improves the breathing process.

♦ Makes all muscles, bones and ligaments of bones flexible, strong and healthy. Balancing extra or less fat from different parts of the body is a great easy way to make the body shapely, attractive and agile.

♦ Removes arthritis, rheumatism, vata and joint pain and impurities.

♦ This asana removes all the sexual disorders of men and women and makes them able to enjoy all the pleasures of the household life.

♦ Removes the causes of diseases related to menstruation and uterus and gives them the happiness of a healthy life.

♦ By eliminating the imperfection and underdeveloped condition of the feminine body parts, by providing bulge and thin waist on their chest and buttocks, makes them the owner of well-formed, attractive and graceful body.

♦ Increases masculine strength and attractiveness of muscles and brings stability in them.

♦ This is the best asana for the good health of the spine.

♦ Destroys digestive diseases by strengthening the intestines, stomach and other digestive organs. Provides well-organized routine by getting rid of evil diseases like gas, sour belching, inconstipation, piles, indigestion etc.

The benefits of both Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana are obtained by the practice of Dhanurasana. This asana increases intra-abdominal pressure, which strengthens the intestines, deep breathing cleanses all the organs of the body and provides sufficient oxygen. By putting pressure on the spinal cord, the pulse chakras are awakened, due to which the pulse system becomes active. Due to the needful pressure on the endocrine glands and pure blood circulation, their speed remains normal.

Abdominal diseases are cured due to excess of blood in the abdominal area. The patient of spondylitis gets benefits by putting pressure on the cervical region. There is an effect on the prostate gland, due to which prostatitis does not occur and bladder related diseases also end.

Who should not do Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Patients suffering from migraine, headache, back pain, hernia, neck pain, low or high blood pressure etc. should not do this asana. If surgery has been done on the stomach, then do it with the advice of a doctor.

This asana is not to be done in the state of pregnancy. Do this asana on an empty stomach. Because all the stress falls on the stomach only.


Due to the combination of Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana and Naukasana in Dhanurasana, the benefits of these asanas are also attained spontaneously. Some Yogacharyas also advise to do Dolasana by swinging the body back and forth on the stomach in the full position of Dhanurasana. This gives a good massage to the abdominal muscles. This is also the best way to remove gas and not allow gas to form

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dhanurasana and its benefits?

Dhanurasana is a very popular posture done while lying down. The bow is a weapon of ancient times. Even today, among the primitive castes living in the forests, the bow is their main protector. Based on the properties and conditions of the bow, the scientific study done by the Yogis, the conclusion that was drawn, is the result of 'Dhanurasana'. This asana increases the functioning of the liver and also cures air-related diseases in the stomach.

How long Should I do Dhanurasana?

Should be done from 15 seconds to half a minute. And can do 4 to 5 times.

Does Dhanurasana reduce weight?

Dhanurasana is the enemy of obesity. Strengthens the digestive system and cures gastric fire.

What Dhanurasana cures?

Kidneys become strong. The digestive system becomes active. Excess fat does not accumulate. Lungs and heart become strong. Thyroid gland is affected. In yoga therapy, this asana is always recommended for the treatment of diabetes, incontinence, colitis and menstrual irregularities, and also for the treatment of cervical spondylitis under special guidance.

Who should not do Dhanurasana?

People with diseases of intestine, kidney, ulcer and hernia etc. should not do this asana and also people with blood pressure and heart disorders should not do this asana.

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