Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)- Benefits and How to Do it

Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)

Pawanmuktasana is a major yoga asana that helps in improving physical and mental health.  The name of this asana in Sanskrit is ‘Pawan’ which means wind and ‘Mukt’ which means liberation, it means the posture that gives freedom to the wind.

Pawanmuktasana can help in boosting the muscles of different parts of the body.  It helps to strengthen your abdomen, pelvis, hips, anus and legs and can help release trapped air in the abdomen.

This asana can be done in three ways: Sahaj Pawanmuktasana, Ardha Pawanmuktasana and Purna Pawanmuktasana.  In Sahaj Pawanmuktasana, the legs have to be raised straight and brought behind the neck.  In Ardha Pavanamuktasana, one leg is brought right at the waist, while the other leg is kept on the floor.  In Purna Pawanmuktasana, both the legs are brought near the chest and brought behind the neck.

This asana helps in reducing belly fat, improving digestion, removing abdominal problems, strengthening the hips and waist, improving the anus, and making the legs flexible.  Along with this, it can also help in reducing mental stress, improving sleep and achieving mental peace.

How to do Pawanmuktasana?

1. A little practice is needed to do Pawanmuktasana.

2. To do Pavanamuktasana, spread a yoga mat in a quiet place.

3. Now lie down on this yoga mat in a straight position on your back.

4. Inhale and raise your legs to 90 degrees.

5. Exhale, bend your legs, and try to bring your knees towards your chest.

6. Interlace your fingers and hold your knees.

7. Raise your head and touch your forehead to your knees.

8. Breathe normally while maintaining the posture.

9. First, bring your head down and then your feet.

10. Now come back to normal position and do 2 to 3 rounds.

Do you know?

Pawanmuktasana is also considered important in Ayurveda as it helps balance the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas and balances the energy of the body.  Therefore, Pawanmuktasana can be important not only for physical health but also for mental and spiritual health.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)

♦ Regular practice of this asana helps in reducing stress.

♦ Helps in improving the digestion process and promotes appetite.

♦ By doing this, the problem of stomach gas and constipation is reduced.

♦ Provides strength to the muscles of the hips, thighs and waist.

♦ This asana promotes flexibility of the whole body and also encourages moderate eating.

♦ Pawanmuktasana helps in relaxing the nerves, thereby reducing headaches and problems with sound sleep.

♦ This helps in reducing belly fat and helps in making the body attractive.

♦ Performing Pawanmuktasana improves heart health and helps in improving blood circulation.

♦ Pawanmuktasana is a better yoga for those who have problems like back pain.  Doing this asana gives relief from lower back pain and joint pain.

Which is the best time for Pawanmuktasana?

The best time for practicing Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose) is in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 4-6 hours after a meal. This helps to maximize the benefits and avoid any discomfort during the practice. However, always listen to your body and choose a time that works best for you and your schedule.

Can we do Pawanmuktasana after dinner?

It’s generally not recommended to do Pawanmuktasana or any other intense yoga practice immediately after dinner. After a meal, your body is focused on digestion, and performing yoga poses that involve twisting or intense stretching could interfere with the digestion process and cause discomfort. It’s best to wait for at least 2-3 hours after a meal before practicing yoga to ensure proper digestion and avoid any potential issues. Gentle walking or light stretching may be more suitable after dinner.

Precautions of Pawanmuktasana (Gas Release Pose)

Keep these precautions while doing Pawanmuktasana:

1. Keep the stomach clean and do asanas at least 2 hours before eating.

2. Increase slowly while doing asana, do not apply much pressure.

3. Pay special attention while doing asanas that the pressure of the whole body is not falling on any one area.  If there is an injury or wound, fold the area gently and cooperatively.

4. Do not use during pregnancy and menstruation.

5. If you have had back problems in the past, consult a doctor.

6. Take deep breaths and maintain focus before and after doing the asana.

7. People with abdominal surgery, hernia and piles should not do this asana.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Pawanmuktasana?

Pawanmuktasana, also known as Wind-Relieving Pose, offers several benefits. It can help in improving digestion, relieving gas and bloating, strengthening the abdominal muscles, and stretching the lower back and hip muscles. Additionally, it aids in stimulating the organs in the abdomen, promoting blood circulation, and relaxing the mind and body. Regular practice of Pawanmuktasana can contribute to overall flexibility and well-being.

For which disease Pawanmuktasana is used?

Pawanmuktasana, or Wind-Relieving Pose, is used to address digestive issues such as gas, bloating, and constipation. The pose helps in improving digestion and stimulating the organs in the abdomen, which can be beneficial for individuals dealing with gastrointestinal problems.

Who should not perform Pawanmuktasana?

Pregnant women, Individuals with recent abdominal surgeries, Serious back or spine issues, Hernia, High blood pressure, Joint injuries.

Which yoga poses is best for gas problem?

Yoga offers various poses and practices that can help alleviate gas problems and improve digestion. Some effective yoga poses for gas relief include: Pawanmuktasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Spinal Twist, Balasana.

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