Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) Steps, & Benefits

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

In Sanskrit language, paschima means back side and tan means stretch. Due to the bending of the waist in this asana, there is a complete stretch on the spine. Due to excessive stretch in the sacrum area, all the organs below the navel become active. Nervous system leading to kidney, liver and pancreas are activated.

Due to which the functions of these organs remain normal. Due to stretching on the navel, the navel chakra is awakened, as a result of which digestive diseases end.

Mental fatigue does not come due to more circulation of blood to the brain. Paschimottanasana is a sitting asana, in which the waist has to be bent while leaning towards the front.

Benefits of Paschimottanasana (Seated Foeward Bend Pose)

♦ This asana gives flexibility to the muscles coming out of the lower part of the spine and makes them functional.

♦ Makes the genitals and toilets fit.

♦ Drives away constipation.

♦ In this asana, there is pressure on the abdomen and digestive organs. Therefore, the appetite is felt properly, the intestines work in their natural speed.

♦ Digestive organs like liver, spleen, pancreas also give up dysfunction, so diabetes caused by the effect of pancreas also gets cured. Semen related defects are also cured by this asana.

♦ Back pain, leg pain etc. are also beneficial in gout diseases.

♦ Makes the body slim by reducing extra fat.

♦ It is very useful for removing constipation.

♦ Leg muscles are strong.

♦ Gives hopeful benefits in diabetes.

♦ Makes kidney and liver etc. active.

♦ Makes the mind stress free.

♦ Yogi seeker must do this asana. It gives spiritual progress and helps in celibacy.

♦ This asana is excellent for all age groups.

♦ Cures the diseases of the reproductive organs of women.

♦ This posture lengthens the height of the body. Its practice cures arthritis, pain of thighs and calves. There is flexibility in the waist. The muscles of the back and waist become strong. The defects of the marrow fiber are removed.

Variations Paschimottanasana has many variations. The action described above is the simplest. Leaning forward by raising the arms in a sitting position with the legs extended in front. To give this action the form of dynamic exercise, we lift it up by lying down. Placing the hands on the ground above the head, without lifting the heels, rise up, keeping the body straight, bend forward simultaneously and pause for a while in the final position.

Breathe- Breathe in the starting position. Exhale slowly while bending forward. Breathe holding the feet. Exhale by bringing the torso closer to the feet again. In the final position, hold the breath out. Breathe in while returning to the starting position.

Duration- Beginners should practice up to 5 repetitions, pausing only for a while in the final stage. Older practitioners can hold the final position for up to 5 minutes.

Awareness- Manipur Chakra is the center of perception in this. Many people are also instructed to concentrate on the Aghya Chakra, but the main center is the Manipura Chakra, the navel area, where the stomach presses during the practice.

Sequence- This asana should be practiced after the asanas that keep behind, such as Setubandhasana, Chakrasana, Bhujangasana or Matsyasana.

Step-by-Step Instructions

(1) Sitting on the ground with long legs, take both the arms above the head slowly and touch them to the ears.

(2) Join the feet by spreading the legs. Now while bending the head, slowly bring the arms towards the feet and can hold the toes with the hands. In the beginning you may not be able to hold the thumbs with the hands.

(3) Bring the head to the knees as much as possible and keep the hands stretched while extending them towards the feet. Maintain this bent position for about 5 seconds. When with daily practice, the head will touch the knees and the toes and toes will start to hold, then the posture will become easy. After a few days, you will even start touching the ground with your nose by taking out your head from between your legs – there will be so much flexibility in your waist.

(4) Do this asana three times by giving 5-5 seconds in the beginning. Later, increasing the time by 15 seconds per week, start doing it up to 1 minute.

(5) Do all the movements in the lower parts of the waist in the bent state.

(6) While straightening from this position, slowly raise the torso.

Precautions of Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

If there is any swelling or specific pain in any part of the body or if there is growth or lump in any part of the body, then consult a doctor before practicing this asana. By the way, before doing any asana, if there is any disorder in the concerned organ, then any treatment should be done only after consulting a doctor. Even if it is yoga therapy.

If there is excessive burning or pain in the back or leg muscles due to stretching, then stop the asana for some time and start again. Gradually, any asana can be perfected, that is, it can be done properly.

This much has to be kept in mind that people whose body is gross, they should not jerk their body to bend forward, should not exert force. Gradually its practice will become easy. People suffering from blood pressure, heart disease and spondylitis should not do this asana, because there is a lot of stress on the shoulders while getting up and there is a possibility of increasing the pain.

At the same time, people who have sciatica pain or slipdisc or any defect related to the spine should not do this asana. Pregnant women, patients with acute back pain and sciatica should not do this easy by force.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is paschimottanasana and its benefits?

In this asana, there is pressure on the abdomen and digestive organs. Therefore, the appetite is fine, the intestines work in their natural speed. This asana gives flexibility to the nerves coming out of the lower part of the spinal cord and makes them functional.

what are the steps of paschimottanasana?

Sitting on the ground with long legs, slowly bring both the arms up to the top of the head and keep them close to the ears. Spread the legs and join the feet. Now while bending the head, slowly bring the arms towards the feet and hold the toes with the hands.

what muscles does paschimottanasana work?

This asana targets hamstrings and spine, and also involves calves, glutect & hip flexors and lower back muscles.

Does paschimottanasana reduce belly fat?

This asana is specially practiced to bring flexibility in the abdomen and waist. These are suitable exercises for reducing fat to reduce obesity, as well as for kidney related diseases.

Is paschimottanasana good for periods?

Paschimottanasana and janu sirasana are also beneficial for relieving menstrual cramps. These pose help to increase blood flow to the pelvic region and stretch the hamstrings. Which can offen be tight during menstruation.

what is the duration of paschimottanasana?

This asana can be held for up to 30 seconds to start with and over time this can be increased to 3-5 minutes.

Is paschimottanasana good for back pain?

Patients with acute back pain and sciatica should not do asanas forcefully.

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