Benefits of Vajrasana & How to Do it

What is Vajrasana?

Vajra means ‘harsh’.  This asana brings strength. By regular practice of Vajrasana, the body of the seeker becomes strong and the spine becomes stable and powerful.  Therefore this asana is called Vajrasana.

By keeping both the thighs firm like a thunderbolt and placing both the feet on either side of the anus, Vajrasana is formed.  This asana is going to give success to the yogis.

How to do Vajrasana?

1.) Bend your knees and sit on your heels.

2.) Keep the head straight, hands on the knees, the part of the feet from the nails to the knees completely frozen on the ground.

3.) Keep your knees together.

4.) Head, neck and back should remain straight.

5.) You can sit in this asana for a long time also.

Benefits of Vajrasana?

♦ It gives easy benefits in activating the digestive system and excretion of gas etc.

♦ Relieves the pain of sciatica nerve.  Strengthens the muscles and nerves of the legs.

♦ This asana circulates blood in the knees.

♦ Beneficial in hernia and piles.

♦ Do this asana for 10-15 minutes immediately after meals.

♦ It removes the menstrual irregularities of women and makes them healthy.

From a scientific point of view, it can be said that the nerves that pass through the front part of the foot and the side, are related to our reproductive, senses and digestive system.  When there is stimulation due to pressure in those nerves, it affects our digestive system and reproductive organs.  It increases the efficiency of the entire digestive system by preventing diseases of the stomach, such as hyperacidity and peptic ulcer.

The sexual gland located in the lower part of the body is affected by this practice.  This is an excellent practice for practicing celibacy.  This asana has also been considered very important for speeding up the digestion process.  It should be practiced after meals.

This exercise has also been considered useful for meditation, as it supports the spine.  No matter how much one tries in this, one cannot sit bowing down.  In Sukhasana or Siddhasana, the body of a person bends down, but in Vajrasana, the spine remains straight naturally, no hard work is required.  The best form of meditation is easy for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infection.  Prana flows smoothly in it.  In Kundalini Yoga, this asana is also practiced for the awakening of Sushumna.  For this reason Maharishi Gherand says that by doing this asana a yogi can attain Siddhi.

Vajrasana changes the effects of blood and nerve impulses in the pelvic region and strengthens the muscles of the pelvic region.  It is a preventive treatment method for hernia disease and is also helpful in the treatment of piles.

It reduces blood pressure in the reproductive organs and massages the nerve fibers that supply blood to them, which helps men in the treatment of enlarged testicles and hydrocele.  It is helpful in treating menstrual irregularities in women.  Practicing it with closed eyes and focused attention on the breath brings mental peace.

Precautions for Vajrasana

People suffering from knee pain should not practice this asana.  If you feel pain in the thighs, then in this asana, separate the knees slightly.

Beginners start feeling pain in the ankles after sitting in Vajrasana for a while. To get rid of this, spread the legs in front and shake them up and down until the stiffness in the legs goes away.  Again sat in Vajrasana.  To make the posture comfortable, a folded blanket or pillow can be placed between the buttocks and ankles.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Vajrasana?

Vajrasana has many benefits. It improves digestion, helps in reducing stomach related problems, removes gas problems in the stomach and provides a relaxing feel to the body. Additionally, it can strengthen the back and leg muscles and help improve blood circulation in the legs.

How long should we sit in Vajrasana?

The duration of sitting in Vajrasana depends on your body position and habits. In general, you can do this for 5 to 15 minutes. You can gradually increase the duration of sitting as your body's ability to tolerate it increases.

Which disease is cured by Vajrasana?

Vajrasana helps in improving many health problems, but it does not have an exact treatment. It can help improve digestion, reduce stomach problems, improve blood circulation in the legs, and provide a relaxing feeling.

How long sit Vajrasana after dinner?

There is no fixed rule regarding the duration of sitting in Vajrasana after a meal, but it is generally advised to avoid doing Vajrasana immediately after a meal. After a meal, get up for at least 10-15 minutes and then sit in Vajrasana, so that the digestion process can be completed. It can help you digest your food and reduce the discomfort caused by overeating.

Can I do Vajrasana on the bed?

Yes, you can do Vajrasana on the bed, but note that if you do Vajrasana on the bed, you may need support under your feet because the bed sheet or mattress is not straight and firm. This will provide comfortable support to your feet and give you complete stability.

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