What is asana, its types and benefits

What is Asana?

Asana is a scientific method. By keeping our body clean, pure and active, it keeps man physically and mentally healthy.  Asana is the only exercise that can affect our inner body.  Through this blog, we will know what is Asana, its types and benefits.

According to Hatha Yoga, the teaching of asanas was first given by Lord Shiva to Mother Parvati.  According to tradition, 84 lakhs asanas are considered, but today no one knows all these 84 lakhs asanas. Out of these 84 asanas are considered to be the main ones whose education is given in the society today.

Maharishi Patanjali has also given the definition of asana in his treatise Yoga-sutra- ”Sthira-sukham asanam” i.e. the physical position in which you can remain stable and experience happiness, is asana. The third part of Ashtanga yoga is asana. Asana means – to sit.  A particular position or posture of the body parts.  The exercises in which the expenditure of energy is less but the awakening of energy is more, they are called asanas.

The physical exercises prevalent in gymnasiums and gymnasiums only develop muscles, while the practice of asanas increases the strength, strength and flexibility of all joints, muscles of the body.

The practice of asanas also increases the immunity of the whole body.  Due to this, blood circulation also starts happening smoothly.

Need of Yoga in present context

Yoga is needed more today than ever before.  Earlier environment, environment, food-drinking, living-tolerance, everything was very natural than today, but today polluted environment, polluted environment, fast food and canned food items, vitamin and protein-free food, changing environment and perverted mentality all these have made  Has affected our overall health.

Today scientists have provided many facilities.  On the other hand, their opposite effect has given negativity to our health.  Because of all these things, there is a great need of Yoga education today.  Because through yoga we can give right thinking and true guidance not only to the present generation but also to the generations to come.

Types of asanas

Asanas can be mainly divided into three parts.

(1) Meditation postures – Sukhasana, Swastikasana, Padmasana etc.

(2) Asanas of exercise – Tadasana, Uttanapadasana, Pawanmuktasana etc.

(3) Asanas of therapy – Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana etc.

84 asanas are mentioned.  All these asanas are used for therapy in some form or the other.  The main asanas are as follows.

























Yoga mudrasana




Major benefits of Yoga asanas

(1) Along with physical and mental health, balance is also achieved through asanas.

(2) Digestive system and glands work properly.  That’s why the root of many diseases gets cut.

(3) Heart and blood circulation works in natural rhythm with asanas.  All the toxins are removed from the body.

(4) Fat is reduced by regular asanas, and muscle fibers remain healthy, new tissues are formed, all cells become active, flexibility remains in the body.

(5) Yoga asanas are the practice of stretching and shrinking the body, due to which the bones also develop completely and they remain strong.

(6) Yoga asanas develop the personality in an all-round way, through which a person can see, work, speech, resolve, life.  One learns to have proper attitude in behavior etc.

Special precautions before asanas

(1) Asanas should be done after passing stool and urine.

(2) Stomach should be completely empty before doing Yoga asanas.

(3) If Yoga asanas are done in the evening, food should be taken at least 4 hours before.

(4) Practice Yoga asana in an open place.

(5) Breathing- The act of breathing should be done through the nostrils only while doing yoga.

(6) Women should not do yoga during menstruation.

(7) Yoga asana should not be done forcefully.

(8) After doing any asana, it should be produced.

(9) The mind should be kept calm.

(10) There should not be any kind of conversation between yoga asanas.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of asana?

The physical position in which you can remain stable and feel happy is asana.

What is the importance of asanas?

Fat is reduced by regular asanas and muscle fibers remain healthy, new tissues are formed, all cells become active, flexibility remains in the body.

How many asanas are there in yoga?

The traditional number of asanas is a symbolic 84. But different texts identify different stages.

What are the 32 Asanas?

The names of all these asanas are given below in simple language. Padmasana, Siddhasana, Mudrasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana, Shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Uttanpadasana, Chakrasana, Halasana.

For how many minutes should one do the asana?

Daily 30 minutes of yoga practice is considered ideal to keep the body healthy.

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