What is pranayama, types and benefits


Pranayama has a special place and importance in Ashtanga Yoga. Pranayama is made up of two words – Prana and Ayama. Prana refers to the air (biological power) operating in the body. And ayama means regulation (control). In this way, the meaning of Pranayama is to control the process of breathing. By practicing this, the whole body remains healthy.

Pranayama is the technique by which the life force is induced, controlled, regulated and balanced. Pranayama is to change the breathing process. Pranayama is the stopping of the winds of the body. Life exists only through Prana. The food we eat and the breath we breathe. It is through these that life enters the body.

The most important part of food is Prana, without which no one can survive even for a moment. But instead of the breath, there is prana in the gross form in the food. Prana is received in a more subtle form through the breath. In other words, what we take life through food is certainly important, but even more essential is that. Which we get from the air through breath. Man has not received any such medicine till date.

Which can be a substitute for that important energy, which man receives air through breath. But prana is not the air we breathe in, and it is not the food we eat. In fact, food and air are just carriers of life force. As long as there is air in the body, the world considers the creature alive and the exit of that air from the body is called death (death). Therefore, for a long and healthy life, Pranayama should be done by arresting the air.

Pranayama is a process by which the involuntary functions of the respiratory system are brought under human control. Pranayama is a yogic technique, through which it is possible to enhance and utilize energy power. Pranayama is the extension of “Prana”.

General rules of Pranayama

(1)  The place to do Pranayama should be clean and ventilated.

(2)  In cities where the effect of pollution is more, before doing Pranayama, light a ghee lamp, incense sticks or incense sticks to make the place fragrant. It is very good.

(3)  Use a blanket, carpet, sheet, rubber mat or mat as a seat to sit while doing Pranayama.

(4)  For Pranayama, sit in Siddhasan, Sukhasan or Padmasan keeping the spine straight. Those who cannot sit on the ground, they can do pranayama while sitting on a chair.

(5)  While doing pranayama, keep your neck, spine, chest and waist straight. During the practice of Pranayama, keep the hands in Gyan-Mudra. At the same time, keep the eyes in meditation.

(6)  Breathing should always be taken through the nostrils, due to which the breath becomes pure (filtered) and goes inside. Breathing should not be done through the mouth, even in normal condition, take breath through the nose. Always take sattvik and greasy foods, such as fruits and their juices, green vegetables, milk and ghee etc.

Types of Pranayama

The following types of important Pranayama have been mentioned in the Yoga Shastras-

(1) Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Anulom- Vilom)

(2) Suryabhedi and Chandrabhedi Pranayama

(3) Bhastrika Pranayama

(4) Ujjai Pranayama

(5) Bhramari Pranayama

(6) Sheetali Pranayama

(7) Sheetkari Pranayama

(8) Murcha Pranayama

(9) Plavini Pranayama

Benefits of Pranayama

♦ Pranayama gives longevity.

♦ Tridosha is destructive (destroys Vata, Pitta, Kapha.)

♦ Pranayama communicates life and power in the whole body.

♦ It makes the body agile by purifying the contaminated nerves.

♦ Pranayama not only increases physical and mental strength, but it also uplifts the soul. Therefore, Pranayama should be made a part of life.

♦ Practice done in a pure way distracts from worldly sensuality and the seeker gets the ability to control the five senses.

♦ By doing Pranayama Kriya, the gastric fire gets intensified. Due to which there is no constipation and other such problems.

♦ Pranayama is very much related to our nervous system. If it collapses, the mind cannot concentrate. If there is tension in the nerves, then there will be tension in the mind as well and until the mind is not in a state of peace, it is not receptive, until then the practice of Pranayama cannot be done.

♦ Pranayama develops immunity.

♦ Ignorance is destroyed by the illumination of supersensuous knowledge through Pranayama.

♦ Due to the smooth functioning of the digestive system, food is digested well. Therefore, vitamins, proteins and mineral salts found in food provide nutrients to our body completely, due to which our body remains healthy till old age. Therefore, the body gets plenty of oxygen.

♦ The purity of the blood increases. Blood circulation is done properly. If blood circulation is good, the whole body gets new life, new consciousness.

♦ Rejuvenation of the body takes place. Vigorously grows. There are no wrinkles on the face, there is a glow on the face. Eyes look beautiful. We always look fresh

♦ Pranayama balances the fluctuations of the mind and makes one fit for meditation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pranayama in Yoga?

Pranayama is to control the process of breathing. Pranayama originated from yoga practices in India. By practicing this, the whole body remains healthy.

How many types of Pranayama are there and what are the benefits?

Nadi-Shodhan Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, Sheetali Pranayama, Sheetkari Pranayama, Murcha Pranayama, Planvi Pranayama. The goal of pranayama is to strengthen the connection between your body and mind.

Which Pranayama is best for the mind?

Bhramari Pranayama helps to calm your mind by removing stress and frustration.

Which Pranayama gives energy?

Bhastrika Pranayama An invigorating breathing technique Which provides tremendous energy for a long period of time.

Who is the king of Pranayama?

Nadi shodhan has been called the king of Pranayama. By doing this, all the nadis in the body are purified.

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