Yoga for Bronchitis: Symptoms and Causes


Bronchitis is the infection and inflammation of the main respiratory tract and its branches. It is found in both forms, a short-term disease that starts suddenly and a chronic disease that lasts for a long time. It often starts with a cold or flu, etc., which spreads to affect the lower respiratory tracts as well.

In the beginning of bronchitis, mucus-rich phlegm is produced in small quantities and does not come out easily. Sometimes blood spots can also be seen. Within a day or two, the phlegm becomes thick and pus-like. As the infection descends in the respiratory tree, moderately high fever begins to rise. Most patients recover completely within the next four to eight days without reaching a critical stage.

Sometimes this disease gets out of control and takes a serious form and symptoms like shortness of breath or breathlessness keep getting worse, and the fever keeps increasing. This shows that the life-saving immunity of the body has decreased so much that the disease has spread to the lungs and air sacs. This stage of the disease is called pneumonia. The survival of such a patient can only be achieved by taking large doses of antibiotics.

A very effective treatment of bronchitis is possible through yogic therapy. The affected person not only gets relief from the troubles through yogic activities, but his weak and very sensitive organs also get peace.

However, during the acute initial symptoms, no asanas or activities should be done and complete rest is very important. After this stage passes, slowly start an exercise program according to your strength.

Bronchitis- Symptoms and Causes


Common symptoms of bronchitis include:

Persistent cough (may produce mucus)
 Chest discomfort or tightness
Shortness of breath
Sore throat
 Mild fever and chills (in some cases)


Common causes of bronchitis are as follows:

Viral infection: Respiratory viruses, such as the influenza virus and rhinovirus (which causes the common cold), are frequent culprits of bronchitis.

Bacterial infection: Certain bacteria, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae or Streptococcus pneumoniae, can cause bacterial bronchitis, often leading to more severe symptoms.

Smoking: Tobacco smoke irritates the airways, making smokers more likely to develop acute or chronic bronchitis.

Air pollution: Exposure to airborne pollutants, such as particulate matter, can irritate the bronchial tubes and lead to bronchitis.

Allergies: Allergens such as dust mites can trigger allergic reactions in the airways, causing bronchitis in some individuals.

Occupational hazards: Certain occupations expose a person to respiratory irritants or toxins, such as dust, chemicals, or fumes, increasing the risk of developing bronchitis.

Yogic Management of Bronchitis


Start with the Pawanmuktasana group. Weak and older people will be able to do only this set of exercises and Makarasana. Other people are advised to practice the following asanas as per their capacity under proper guidance-

Surya Namaskar, Vajrasana and related asana groups (Shashankasana, Ushtrasana, Marjari Asana, Supta Vajrasana), Padahastasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Kandharasana, Chakrasana , Paschimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Padmasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana. Standing and bending postures such as Trikonasana, Dwikonasana, Lolasana etc., all strengthen the chest.


All pranayamas will affect the respiratory muscles and respiratory capacity and increase their efficiency. Especially Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Bhastrika and Nadi Shodhana but start the practice slowly and proceed according to your capacity and with utmost caution.

Mudras and Bandhas-

Yoga Mudra, Prana Mudra and Maha Bandha.


Practice Jal Neti daily and Kunjal daily for one week.


Yoga Nidra not only leads to deep relaxation, but also develops consciousness.


Practice of Ajapa Japa with Khechari Mudra and Ujjayi breathing, in which the consciousness is moved in the frontal path of consciousness from the navel to the throat. It has been found to be most effective. It helps a lot in gradually identifying chronic cough and getting rid of it. Along with this, respiratory muscles also develop.

Diet tips for Bronchitis

In the initial attack, it will be most beneficial to take only fruit juice or vegetable water. Thereafter, barley water (boiled barley water), thin khichdi and vegetable soup can be taken. Do not consume cold food and beverages.

Lightly boiled or raw vegetables can be consumed in abundance. Phlegm becomes loose by consuming fruits like onion, garlic, radish and lemon-orange etc. Phlegm comes out easily. Phlegm comes out easily by adding a little ginger and turmeric in hot milk. This drink can be taken at night before sleeping or in place of food.

Important for Bronchitis

♦ Do not stay in a very hot or stuffy room, where the arrangement of ventilation is inadequate. Keep the chest and throat warm by covering them. But always take care of open air circulation, avoid sitting on dry and cold floor.

♦ Patients of bronchitis should not take bath with cold water in the morning and during the attack, they should take bath with hot steamy water.

♦ Do not try to suppress or stop coughing. It is a natural way of expelling sputum and infected substances from the respiratory tract. Steam baths and fomentation of chest and back are effective in accelerating the process of expelling sputum. After fomentation in hot water, fomentation with cold water is also effective.

♦ Smoking should be given up. This is because it greatly irritates the mucous membrane of the bronchi. Without giving up smoking, any treatment will be ineffective in curing chronic bronchitis.

♦ It is healthy to walk around a little every day. Deep breaths should be taken at short intervals throughout the day.

♦ Inhaling steam before going to bed at night and washing feet by adding one spoon of mustard oil in hot water are also helpful.

♦ If the person is having a lot of difficulty in breathing, then massage the hands and feet vigorously in the direction of the heart.

What should be avoided in bronchitis?

In bronchitis, it is important to avoid activities or environmental factors that may aggravate symptoms or prolong recovery. Here are some things to avoid:

♦ Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, as it can irritate the airways and worsen bronchitis symptoms.

♦ Reduce exposure to air pollutants such as dust, pollen, mold and strong chemicals, as they can irritate the respiratory system.

♦ Avoid exposure to cold air, which can cause coughing and increase inflammation in the airways.

♦ Limit vigorous exercise or activities that require heavy exertion, as this can put pressure on the respiratory system and make breathing more difficult.

♦ Dairy products can increase mucus production and make cough worse. If you notice this effect consider temporarily reducing or avoiding dairy products.

♦ Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeinated beverages, as they can dehydrate the body and potentially irritate the airways.

♦ Always consult a health care professional for personalized advice about managing bronchitis and avoiding exacerbating factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What yoga is good for bronchitis?

Yoga may be beneficial for the management of bronchitis by promoting relaxation, improving lung function, and strengthening the respiratory muscles. Gentle, restorative yoga that focuses on deep breathing and opening the chest may be helpful. Asanas like pranayam, bhujangasana and setu bandhasana are often recommended.

Should you do yoga with bronchitis?

Whether or not to try yoga with bronchitis depends on the severity of your symptoms and how you feel physically. In some cases, gentle yoga may be beneficial to manage symptoms and promote relaxation. However, if you are experiencing a severe cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain, it is best to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity, including yoga.

Which fruits is good for bronchitis?

It is very useful to follow a bronchitis diet. These include: Leafy green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, collard greens. Green vegetables contain antioxidants that help fight infection.

How do you fight bronchitis fast?

Let your body recover by getting plenty of rest. Drink plenty of fluids to thin the mucus and keep your airways moist. Take steam from a hot shower or bowl of hot water to soothe your airways. Drink warm beverages such as herbal teas or broths to ease throat irritation. Stay away from smoke, strong odors, and pollutants that may aggravate your symptoms.

Can yoga cure chronic bronchitis?

Yoga can help improve lung function, increase respiratory muscle strength, and promote relaxation, which can reduce symptoms and increase overall well-being. However, it is important to incorporate yoga along with other medical treatments prescribed by health professionals to effectively manage chronic bronchitis. Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise or treatment.

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